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Brake Lights are Out


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September 30, 2008
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Help - my brake lights are out, all three. Some guy at a stoplight just pointed it out to me and said it's a common problem on Fords, that there is a switch just above or behind the brake pedal. But where do I find this?? Or is there another remedy?

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The switch should be on the end of horizontal brake pedal linkage that connects to vertical arm that has your rubber brake pedal on the end of it. It has a plug in connector. Unplug the connector and check it with a meter. It should be "hot". It stays hot. The switch has two prongs that the connector plugs into. You want to check continuity on the switch. With the brake pedal idle (not depressed) it should be an open circuit. With the brake pedal depressed, it should be a closed circuit. It not, replace the switch. If it's good, you've got to look elsewhere!! Hope this helps!! Don't forget to plug the connector back in!!

Matt B.

I had a problem with that switch once on the trail, and I hit it with WD or brake cleaner, I forget which. It was just a little gunked up, and worked fine after cleaning.

Moarl: if it is the switch, try cleaning it before replacing it.

Welcome to the forum. :thumbsup:

One other thing. I did a continuity check on my brake switch and it indicated that the switch was good, however, I decided to jumper the connector with a paper clip and I had brake lights. So in fact the switch wasn't functioning properly. In addition to checking the switch continuity, you might want to take a paper clip (or pigtail) and jumper the two connectors on the plug. If you have brake lights, then the switch is bad. I just bought a replacement switch (made by Sorensen) at Advance Auto for $8.00 bucks!! Good luck!!

Matt B.

Time for me to replace the stoplight switch. It's hard for me to get my body up and under there. How is the switch connected to the brake pedal? Bolt? Pin? Torex Screw?
