Brake Puzzler | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Brake Puzzler


Explorer Addict
February 5, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Bemidji, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 4x4 Sport 88k
In the spirit of Click and Clack, I offer the following puzzler, a true story:

This spring, I did normal maintenance, including lubing the driveshaft slip joints, ball joints, etc... About 2 weeks later, I began feeling drag as I was driving. This drag got progressively more noticeable, particularly after leaving a stop sign. It would seem to catch and then free up after leaving the stop sign and feel normal again within a few blocks. As it further progressed, the drag began to feel continuous, and I noted the right rear drum getting hot.

I rebuilt the rear brakes with all new parts. I had a minor issue getting the right rear drum on, as it seemed like the brake shoes weren't quite lining up correctly. But, I got it on and the problem disappeared!

Until a few weeks later when the problem came back. I pulled the brake drum looking for a mistake in re-assembly, but it was perfectly fine, a mirror of the other side and matched the manual exactly. Upon reassembly, it worked great for about 2 weeks, and then the dragging came back.

This time, I replaced the wheel cylinder (I should have said I didn't earlier, sorry). Again, the problem disappeared, and you guessed it, came back 2 weeks later.

At this point, I was ready to take it to a shop and get a brake expert to find my problem. Then, one day, I was repairing some body rust, and it came to me what the problem was. I took 2 foot steps and had it fixed in less than 5 seconds without parts, tools, and without entering the vehicle.

What did I do?

(I should say that the problem has not come back in over 2 months, and based on the solution, I don't expect it come back, it was quite obvious in retrospect).

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released the parking brake?

Dead dog wedged the wheel well,, I give up tell us

plug in the rear wheel speed sensor ??:roll:

Probably just had to adjust the tension on the parking brake cable and spring so it actually pulled the parking brake back and allowed the brake shoes to fully retract. 99 times out of 100 this is why the shoes drag on the drums, though sometimes it's because it went neglected for so long that the cables have rusted solid to the sheaths and so the spring can't pull them back past that point anymore.

A newer, stronger spring helps too, after 20+ years, that spring gets rusty and loses material and just isn't as strong. You can get a good size new spring in the HELP! section of the parts store or in a multi-pack if they don't have the bigger spring by itself.

Yeah, exactly. I reached down and gave the parking brake cable a good couple of yanks. I should say that I also gave everything a good shot of lube. I have an automatic transmission and everywhere I park, well, the entire town is flat, so I never bother setting the parking brake.

I thought of the parking brake early on too. But the drum was not overly difficult to get off so I dismissed the idea. Oddly enough, in high school auto shop, the teacher tried to demonstrate brake replacement on a VW bug, and he had a hell of a time getting the drum off, ended up breaking stuff before he realized the parking brake was set.

When I changed the shoes and had misalignment, it was the forward shoe running a little high. Since the cable connects to the back shoe, I never logically connected the two issues.

It took 2 weeks to get tight because the adjusters were doing their function.

Anyway, I took the time to write this because someone might read it and maybe remember a little spark of it if they run into the same problem.

Thanks for playing!

Roadrunner I think that was a very clever idea !!! Worked out well !!

Roadrunner777 listen to this story . I was at work today had done some welding & was watching for any embers or smoke . My emergency brake worked but the petal didn't go down very far . So i was thinking about your brake post & I got to checking some things . & used some pb on the adjusting rod for the emer. brake & backed the nut off & it really helped . I got to pulling on the cables & all seemed fine . then I put it in neutral to check my brakes & the right side was a lot tighter than the left . I backed it off with the adjuster , then went to tighten the left side pow the adjuster would not turn . So off came the wheel & on pulling the brake drum my BFH broke a small piece off of the drum . out to advance I go & get a new one . take out the adjuster free it up apply some copper anti seize . put it all back together & A small squeak went away the slight pull to the right just about went away . The left side was not tightening up as it should . So your thread did m,e alot of good . Just wanted to say thanks . :salute::thumbsup::D

This is my first post and I guess its fitting seeing as how this is the first issue I am having directly with my truck that I have been trying to solve. I have a 5spd, so you would think the ebrake would be in better shape but it is exactly as you state; random resistance and a warm rear wheel. New springs foe me and a lot of pub blaster. Thanks bud.

Then let me welcome you to the forum 942door5spd . We are here to help if you need it . This forum is the best group of people you will ever find !!! A LOT of very good people . the information is endless . take care :salute::thumbsup:

Then let me welcome you to the forum 942door5spd . We are here to help if you need it . This forum is the best group of people you will ever find !!! A LOT of very good people . the information is endless . take care :salute::thumbsup:

Everything I have read thus far proves what you are saying.. my next tackle is the front bearings. They are a bit noisy. I've already found the thread for them and have been studying. Looking forward to seeing you all around.- Mike
