"Brown Wire" 2wd trick, need help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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"Brown Wire" 2wd trick, need help


New Member
September 15, 2012
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City, State
Gallipolis, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Explorer XLS 4.0 OHV
I had read somewhere on this sight a while back about a trick you can do to the AWD models, or the 4x4 that only give you the Auto select, 4 high, and 4 low option on the dash. The trick was supposedly to tap into the "brown wire" and add a switch, allowing you to trick your truck into running rear wheel drive only.
I just have a few questions, and appreciate any help I can get. Thanks


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Well I found this write-up on the 3rd gens, but mine is a second gen. I think I know what to do, guess I'll just go with it and see what happens.
Upon success I will make a thread to help others with his subject. I'm sure they are already here, just not so easy to find.

Trent, what is the purpose of this modification?

Dom, what is the purpose of this modification?


Doing the brown wire mod puts an inline switch for the Auto 4x4. Currently, if you try to spin your tires with 4x4 auto, it'll turn on 4x4. By doing the brown wire mod, the truck stays in true 2WD the whole time, so long as the switch is off. Basically, it turns off Auto 4x4 to allow RWD.

I always thought the main reason was to allow a front locker.
