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Budget 2track 1994 sport

Sorry you got nabbed...dig you get a wring or a ticket?

I like the look of flex flares! I mean the styling of our rigs are pretty dated and flex flares fit the look just fine. But yeah, post some new pics!

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It was raining so he pulled me over then drove to my window and said that they cant be like that and if he sees it on the road without flares he will write me a ticket then he sped off

Playing around. In howell mi


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Love it!! Nice work!!

Well ive been driving it everyday as a daily driver since i finished it and no problems so far probably put close to 10k miles on it. Now im looking into tires here in the next couple weeks. I am thinking about mickey baja claws 35x12.5x15. Any imput on these would be great. I would like to get at least 30k miles out of this set of tires so please tell me if im asking to much from yhe baja claws.

Also today i started my roof rack build i need a place for the spare tire when i get it along with a farm jack gas can and lights. Il post pics later when i get off work of the rack pre weld up and after. This is how she is looking today


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We've got MT Baja Claws on our grass rig at the fire station...good tires, can't tell you how long they'll last though. We put the tires on a couple years ago, but the department has own the 86 Chevy since it was new and it only has 18k on it, so it doesn't see a lot of road time...

We've got MT Baja Claws on our grass rig at the fire station...good tires, can't tell you how long they'll last though. We put the tires on a couple years ago, but the department has own the 86 Chevy since it was new and it only has 18k on it, so it doesn't see a lot of road time...

How did you mount your roof rack and how sturdy is it

Baja Claws are great tired but do wear out quickly, especially if tires pressures and rotations aren't moderated. Good tire for snow and all kinds of mixed terrains especially wet and mud. Good choice.

Log the tire tread stripe! Love it!! Great idea!!!

I started mounting it by making the feet. (Mind you everything I used was EMT conduit and junction box covers; everything you can find at your local hardware store or Home Depot.)

I used the existing roof mount track to hold it to the truck. I doubled strips of junction box cover that I had cut to fit in the track, tacked them together front and back, drilled a hole for the mounting bolt, and tacked a nut to the strip. I used 3/4" EMT (what I used for the cross braces and the outside rims...1/2" was used for the rest...) for the legs and pinched one end so it would fit in the track and welded that to the strips.


After that, all feet were notched to fit the rack for a good, uniform weld. To attach the feet to the rack, I placed the feet in the runners on the truck, covered the truck with cardboard, placed the rack on the feet so they were where they needed to be placed a couple tack welds on to keep the feet where they needed to be. After that, it was take the rack off, fully weld the joints, slide back into the runners and place the bolts in.



Seems like it wouldn't be the sturdiest thing, but I'm 165lbs and have walked, shaken and hopped around on it with no ill-effects so I'd say it's pretty sturdy.

The stripe was my girls idea and i went with it. I like it alot and ive never seen it before. And im also making mine out of conduit i have alot of ut already on hand. Thank you for the pics of the legs. That will help me out alot tomorrow.

Baja Claws are great tired but do wear out quickly, especially if tires pressures and rotations aren't moderated. Good tire for snow and all kinds of mixed terrains especially wet and mud. Good choice.

Log the tire tread stripe! Love it!! Great idea!!!

What do you mean log it

No problem! Happy to help!

(I think he meant love, but it was autocorrected)

i Have my first weekend off of the year this weekend. I will have the roof rack done and the frame sliders done. Seems like in life you either dont have the time or dont have the money. really rare that you get both at the same time.

Seems like in life you either dont have the time or dont have the money. really rare that you get both at the same time.

I hear you on that...

Just googled your county...you ever make it down to Bundy Hill Offroad Park?

i Have my first weekend off of the year this weekend. I will have the roof rack done and the frame sliders done. Seems like in life you either dont have the time or dont have the money. really rare that you get both at the same time.

And when you make the time that too comes at a price. Basic life maxim anymore.

I hear you on that...

Just googled your county...you ever make it down to Bundy Hill Offroad Park?

have not been yet i am planning a trip in the spring. How far is it from you
**** its the same distance for you as me.

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I haven't been there yet either, but I've heard it's pretty good...they're open this weekend and next, and I'm planning so far on going next Saturday...hope its good, and that I didn't get spoiled too much wheeling out west lol
