Burnt transmission fluid - Changed 3 times in a month | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Burnt transmission fluid - Changed 3 times in a month

December 4, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Canton, Oh
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 EB
Hello all,

I posted about my tranny probs a month ago and still have some issues.

1995 EB 4x4

Well after problems with clunking and shifting slippages after 4x4'ing I decided to change the fluid and filter. Fluid was pretty burnt and about 1/8" of sludge on the magnet. - new filter, one bottle of lucas and topped with fluid

Ran great - like it had new life

Couple weeks later I was having problems with the tranny again and decided to change out the fluid and filter again ... thinking that the filter might of got clogged with the old fluid that dumped from the TC. This time it was WAY burnt and stunk something horrible. - changed the filter, two bottles of lucas and topped off.

Ran great again.

Then it started acting up again. This time I figured we'd go to Valvoline Instant Oil change and have the tranny flushed. They first try to hook to the tranny lines ... but it seem there wasn't much pressure because they said the flush was moving EXTREMELY slow. So they said they could do it through the dipstick. The fluid again was horrible .... after they flushed as much as they could ... It was red again but with metallic flecks ....

Ran great for two days.

Today I drove it about 40 miles and it was smelling really burnt ... slipping bad again and limp mode 1st and third .... When I got to my destination ... Under the hood was smoking and SMELT HORRIBLY BURNT .... smoke from the tranny dipstick area. Felt the lines at the top of the cooler and the bottom. The top was warm ... but not HOT ... the bottom line was cold

Now before I get my filter and fluid again .... I'm believing the tranny cooler might be clogged or the pump is bad or going bad.

My belief is that when I run it first thing in the morning it hardly acts up ... but as it warms up .... then it starts acting up. So I believe the fluid is not getting cooled down at all ... ( either cooler plugged or pump is bad )

Now while I'm doing this i'll be replacing the VB gasket and possibly rebuilding it.

My questions are:

How to check for a clogged cooler?

How to check for a bad pump?

How to replace a bad pump?

My plans are while changing the fluid and filter again -

replace the VB gasket
possibly rebuild the VB
New filter
Bottle of lucas
new fluid

And whatever else is suggested.

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well to clean out your cooler an lines u need to use a air compressor to blow out the lines be best to unhook it from the tranny
to check for pressure u need a tranmisson 0-300psi gage
but i would say that the fricton materal is now worn out an glazed an id say you would need a rebuild

With 190K on a 12+ year old cooler, I'd buy a new cooler and put an external filter upstream of it. Plus all that other stuff you mentioned.


Blew out the cooler ... it was fine.
the VB looked horrible on top ... the bands are glazed and I'm positive the TC is almost shot
Changed out the fluid and filter for the last time. *I just needed to make it the the junkyard and back with my goods*
It's on it's last leg ... or toes I should say
Decided to swap for a manual .... wooohooo

found a 94 donor 4dr 4x4

pedal assembly
master and slave clutch assembly + lines

for $450.00

For those of you out there that have done the auto to manual swap ... any tips or concerns that I should Have ...

Putting it in the garage tomorrow and will start the auto removal.

I'm subscribing. Post some pics (maybe a write-up?) if you get a chance? Good luck, hope it works out for you!:navajo:
