2wd ranger gets sas | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2wd ranger gets sas

i got the ranger about 2 years ago completly stock and was supposed to stay that way. 2.3 5spd 2wd. after about 6months of owning it i did 1.5 leveling coils with a home made 1.25 coil spacer , body lift, 8.8 swap with 4.56 and lockright. did ok in the mud and sand but wasnt enough. now almost completed is a d30 with 4.56 , truetrac, waggy leafs, with some ruff stuff mounts. in between this i also swapped the faded dash and seats.











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looks pretty good:thumbsup:

what size tires you intend to run since you did the swap?

l8r, John:cool:

The swap looks nice. Are you still running the 2.3 then? The dash looks good too now ya need matching door panels. Have you tried it off road yet?

originally i planned on 33s but those will be a bit small lol. now i plan on goin 35s and if they are still on the small sime i will take the body lift off

looks pretty good:thumbsup:

what size tires you intend to run since you did the swap?

l8r, John:cool:

The swap looks nice. Are you still running the 2.3 then? The dash looks good too now ya need matching door panels. Have you tried it off road yet?

yeah still sporting the 2.3 for now. i plan to get new door panels soon, i just need to get the truck back together before i spend money on that. and no it hasn't been on or off road since the swap, lol still needs brakes, brake lines, shocks should be delivered this week, and need to come up with a drag link. also want to paint axle shafts and change the ujoints and need to clean up the knuckles and paint them

Oh ok, I didn't know how much of the truck was completed.

don't see any breaks in there? need some? cuz i have some. ;)

small worthless update, added some gussets to the crossmember and put some big 'ole shocks on the piece

