cai for 4.6 - is it worth it | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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cai for 4.6 - is it worth it


Active Member
March 23, 2008
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04 xlt v8
i keep going back and forth with wanting a cai. it just doesnt seem worth $300 for the k&n. ive tried looking for this mac kit i've read about but cant find it anywhere. what is everyone else with the 4.6 running. thanks

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pretty much anything is better than ur stock airbox if u want better gas mileage and performance... i wouldnt spend 300 cuz thats pretty steep... got a 30 dollar filter from a local pepboys and rigged it to my stock airtube... works just fine and i can def feel some difference... under the hood was a bit dirty at the time of this picture


That works as long as you do not do alot of city driving then it kills your mpg due to heat. Not a bad looking mod though.

That works as long as you do not do alot of city driving then it kills your mpg due to heat. Not a bad looking mod though.

The only time the under hood temps will be higher are at idle, when the car is moving the temps are the same as outside. The hot air is pulled out the engine bay when the car is moving. This is the intake I made for $50, so far through three tanks my avg gas mileage has gone from 15.5/19 to 17.5/21. A 9" filter, a couple of rubber grommets, and some 3" pipe and bam I'm getting 2mpg better. The motor is definetly more responsive and sounds much better.



On the highway its not an issue but anything under 55 its starts to climb and quick with each MPH

Nice job Blown, That looks good.

The only time the under hood temps will be higher are at idle, when the car is moving the temps are the same as outside. The hot air is pulled out the engine bay when the car is moving. This is the intake I made for $50, so far through three tanks my avg gas mileage has gone from 15.5/19 to 17.5/21. A 9" filter, a couple of rubber grommets, and some 3" pipe and bam I'm getting 2mpg better. The motor is definetly more responsive and sounds much better.



Thinking about doing something similar to mine and this looks like a nice install. Where did you get the grommets and the pipe? What type of pipe is it? Metal, plastic etc.



Thinking about doing something similar to mine and this looks like a nice install. Where did you get the grommets and the pipe? What type of pipe is it? Metal, plastic etc.



Sorry it took so long I haven't been on in awhile, been working on the Cobra too much!! The rubber elbow that goes from the TB to the inlet pipe I got from, the pipe is just a piece of 3" ABS pipe that I got from Lowes and drilled for the vacuum lines and painted black, and the other grommets that go connect the MAf to the inlet pipe and filter I picked up at Advance Auto.
