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Can you install a sub and amp to a factory explorer sport cd deck


May 22, 2010
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 explorer sport
I wanted to install an amp and sub woofer system into my 02 explorer sport. I was wondering whether or not it could be hooked up to the factory cd deck, or if i had to put an aftermarket one on. I am questioning this if anyone knows if it has auxiliary plugs in the back to plug it to the amp, thanks.

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Factory radios do not have a pre-amp RCA connection.
But, you can install a High-to-Low converter which can be tied into a set of speaker wires and give you a set of RCA outputs.

They can be found at most any store that sells a decent amount of car audio equipment.
They vary in price and can be found for an average of $15~$20.

Below is an example of one...

Note: that the wattage limits are not something to worry to much about becasue your factory radio only puts out around 15 watts RMS.

thanks a lot i wasn't aware that there was something like that. Just one more question, do you think tapping into a set of speaker wires with that would take away quality from the rest of the speakers? thanks

Generally, if you get a good enough converter it does not have a noticeable effect on the rest of the speakers. The amplifier only requires a small amount of the power to get the sound stream it requires since all of its actualy power draw is based off it own supply.

okay ill definitely have to look into one of those. I notice max input on the converter was 80 watts. My amp alone is over 1000, so do i have to get a higher rated converter or should that be okay?

Your amplifier may generate that much power in itself, but that power will never see the Converter as the amplifier is a completely independent power circuit. The converters max power rating is based off of what is produced from the signal source (I.E. - Your Head Unit), and that will not be any more than 25 watts per channel on a factory radio.

alright cool thanks for the help
