Canadian Backroads | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Canadian Backroads

There was alot of rocky parts, and we ended up at a wash out that was a little too much for us in the rain and such, kind of a bummer to not get to the lake, but the gloves are off next time.

Here`s a shot for ya Carson!


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    Carson Wilson lake.JPG
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And some video of a water crossing, It`s probably a good idea to download to view.

-videos deleted

It was a fun trail, but our trucks sure took a beating. Apparently this is a local favorite of many people, I see why.

Thanks again for another great trip out Jim. Other than the dings everything ran smooth and I didn't break anything. When we got home Lisa forgot that I told her not to try the door and to my surprise it open without even touching the fender. So I can wear it as a battle scar. Awesome trip and the first for my youngest son 19 months old and my lady :)

ld50 said:
Carson (carsonm) and I went out today to try a trail that`s called. "Wilson Lake trail" Geographically, it is close to Chehalis Lake.

Carson actually tweaked his front fender from hitting on his rocker close to the front tire. He is afraid to open the passenger door now..

You guys go to some cool places!


Carson, maybe you can straighten the fender out a bit anyway with a big mallet or something, but it`s good it opens okay.

Here`s my Body mount bracket I bent up -and what`s actually underneath the lining I put on my rockers, I knew it was rusty inside them but all I could do was buff the rust off the outside and now they are getting eaten up. anyway :(


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I`m moving!

I must be crazy to give up my cushy job to transfer to Hope BC, where I`ll have to work harder and live out in the sticks, but I`m doing it. We`ll get out of the traffic and pollution and I`ll hopefully have a bigass garage to work on my projects!
The best part is this location is central to most of the best trails in BC!
Maybe Rick And Gerold will make a trip up one of these days for some wheeling? ;)

Here`s a sample of how close I am to some off-road areas. Herrling island is 15 mins from Hope and needs exploring.


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    Herrling isl.JPG
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moving eh?

heering island is deffinatly interesting , last time I was there the ex wasnt lifted and there was lots of flooding so I didnt explorer it. but now that the trucks in better shape Id be down for some exploring of that area once you get settled in up there. msg me when you wanna go.

ld50 said:
The best part is this location is central to most of the best trails in BC!
Maybe Rick And Gerold will make a trip up one of these days for some wheeling? ;)

Hmmm..... that's a LONG way from South Carolina, but you never know.... :)

Truly gorgeous scenery :thumbsup:


Just starting to venture out from my new digs in Hope BC. There`s a whole lot of logging roads minutes from my door. I invited carsonm out on the weekend and unfortunately got stuck.. in deep water. My whole passenger side got soaked as the water came in. here`s a pic just before we got out and after I spent an hour damming this stream to get the water level down a couple inches.
Getting the interior wet sucks! It`s still in the garage drying out. Carson got wet too, trying to pull me out. Sorry Carson!


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Nice stuck. You didn't hydrolock the engine did you?

No hydrolock, but I was worried about the water spraying onto my conical air filter. If you look closely I put my piece of plywood from my trail kit (for jacking) and put it over the fan shroud because after I got out of the truck I could see water coming out from the side of the hood. it was splashing all over the engine compartment from my serpentine belt and the filter was getting wet. I just let the truck run for fear of letting the water run up my tailpipe, which was completely submerged.
Almost dry now, still gotta check my fluids for contamination, it was sitting in the water for over an hour. I do have extended breather lines, but this was pushing it bigtime.

PS, it was up the Silver Skagit river, in a waterway that only floods during spring runoff, so no fish were harmed :D

Wow, this is my new favorite thread. Great pics/stories! I want to wheel in BC.

Cool update. Is your relocation to Hope a long term thing?

Any more pics???

Looks like its time for a winch???

It was lots of fun until you got stuck....oh well getting wet comes with the territory I guess. I also ended up with a pretty good scrape along my passenger side. Does anybody know how to get the stink of wet carpet out? I was impressed with my new tires though, damn if I was only 3" higher I wouldn't have gotten wet. There's another reason why I need that lift put on, James do you think she'll buy it? ;)

ld50 said:

Just starting to venture out from my new digs in Hope BC. There`s a whole lot of logging roads minutes from my door. I invited carsonm out on the weekend and unfortunately got stuck.. in deep water. My whole passenger side got soaked as the water came in. here`s a pic just before we got out and after I spent an hour damming this stream to get the water level down a couple inches.
Getting the interior wet sucks! It`s still in the garage drying out. Carson got wet too, trying to pull me out. Sorry Carson!

PV, yes, a winch would have helped, but I`d still have wet carpet. Maybe one day I`ll get a winch, but I usually don`t go too far unless I have someone with me to pull me out, that`s stuck #3 now. Just can`t spend too much money right now...

No more decent pics, I actually forgot my camera, and a friends g/f snapped that one and some fuzzy far away ones that don`t show any more than that one.
Next adventure is me and a friend trying to open up a deactivated logging road that goes up a mountain I can see from here, then we`ll hike to the summit! We have to do alot of chainsawing, there`s tons of trees over the road- I`ll get lots of pics next time.

carson, no don`t put the body lift in, Then I won`t be taller! :D
haha kidding. This might be the right time, you know we can do it at my house, so whenever you`re ready we`ll take it on, gotta be sure we can pull it out of my garage after though!

Premier, come on up, there`s a campsite right by my house ;)


So did you get high centered? Or just couldn't get any good traction?

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No traction, I went in, couldn`t get out. See where I`m standing? a really slick clay bank, it was so tight and the water so deep I didn`t want to floor it back through. Might of made it if I was going faster, I knew there was quite a ledge there and was worried about coming back, and, well there ya go..
