Cannot get axle seal in..any tips? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cannot get axle seal in..any tips?


Active Member
October 26, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Coventry, RI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer XLT
I am replacing my front axle seal, but I cannot get the new one in. I am pretty sure I warped it so that could be the reason why I have not had any luck for the past two hours, but who knows that might not even be the problem. I have a u joint kit that had a big circle piece that fit the exact outside ring of the seal, so I used that as my tool. Advanced Auto gave me a National pn: 710428 seal, but they did not have the tool for sale or rent. I read someone that my new seal is the wrong part number, but it seems to look like it fits and that is what the guy at Advanced gave me.

If anyone can give me any tips to get it in that would be great. I took it back to advanced but they said it looks ok and I should still be able to get it in. I will buy a new one at another store tomorrow incase it is bad. Also the red strip is gone if that matters. I know that is a red loctite sort of thing, but the seal if it ever gets in will be so tight I dont see why I should care about the red strip.

Put some RTV silicone around the outside of the seal. Cut a piece of wood just slightly bigger than the seal. Using a piece of 2×2 lumber against the wood against the seal,position the seal in the bore for the seal. Whack the end of the 2×2 with a good size hammer. Most guys make a big deal out of getting the seal to go in straight. What happens is, the seal will go crooked, and not seat at all. Hitting it quickly will get you past that point, then you can finish driving it home. I learned this technique the hard way myself. Seals for big trucks ard pretty expensive, and you only screw up one of those.
