Can't Keep My Wheels On The Ground | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Can't Keep My Wheels On The Ground


March 21, 2001
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92 explorer
I have a question my Explorer seems to have a hard time keeping all fours on the ground. A week ago I went into a small hole and both drivers side wheels came off the ground and it started to tip I opened both drivers side doors and leaned out a little and had my wife stand on the side railes and lean back it brought the wheels to the ground and I backed out. and just yesterday the same thing happened I was on a road that sloped toward the drivers side and the passenger wheels came off the ground this time and it started to tip off the mountian my wife opened both passenger side doors and stood on the side rail and leaned back I could't get the wheels to touch this time so i had to put large rocks under the drivers side and small rocks under the wheels that were still off the ground and then back out and down the road. My signiture has the mods I've done. Any Ideas on how to keep the wheels on the ground besides staying on the pavement or staying on normal roads.

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Because you did the TT, you now effectively have 0 droop left in your suspension. A TT just pulled the suspension into droop and limited any downtravel you will have. You're f***ed for travel. Disconnect front and rear sway bars and hope for the best. With the newer front ends, I think the best lift is 1.5"TT and body lift, disconnect sway bars and put a locker in the rear. But your 3"TT is the limiting factor...


Go buy shocks that are 3" longer than stock... that will add some articulation to the front wheels.

3 inches is way too much for a tt... that is 200% what the maximum should be..... get a body lift and drop like 1.5 of the tt

I've already done the shocks. I'm going to remove the sway bars and put the sway bar quick disconnects in for now and see how that works. I removed the fith shock but the rear end skated around so I reinstalled It. I'm having the limited slip differentials installed friday then I may have to look into a body lift if the sway bars don't help. Can it cause any problems removing the fith shock and Is it better to have the sway bar disconnects in when you remove the sway bars.

That "mini" shock has been gone for months and I can't even tell it is gone. It did take me a couple days to shake the feeling that I was wiggling in the rear.
I took my rear swaybar off about a month ago and I actually like the way it corners now. Check out how both tires stayed on the ground in this shot...

Try taking the swaybar off and drive around for a couple days. It took me about a week to get used to the way it rode. Please remember that this is with mine and yours may ride/corner a little different, but I hope this helps a little

Thanks, I just got done pulling the front and rear anti-sway bars and the 3rd rear shock off. I just test drove it off road. It was great and I was able to keep the wheels on the ground. It was a smoother ride. It also seemed to corner better. On road it was kind of like a boat when I steered back and forth fast. I'll have to get use to that, but so far I'm impressed with the difference.
