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Car Alarms


Well-Known Member
December 23, 2000
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City, State
Columbia, SC
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 Bronco XLT
Hey, well my stuff just got stolen out of my car exactly 1 and 1/2 weeks ago today. It was in the school parking lot of all places. They busted out my driver side passenger door on a rainy day and stole my head unit, cell phone and a couple of other small things. I guess I am lucky that I hadn't installed my 12'' Boston subs yet. Well I just my window fixed and they didn't even tint it for me. Does anyone know where I can get a stock or almost stock tint job to make it look original again. I am also in the market for a car security system. I was looking at a Python 650ESP system at the local audio store. It was 229.99 including installation costs. Does anybody else have any reccomendations or critiques about car security systems. Thanks!

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Sorry to hear

I'll try to be as helpful as I can. I have a Viper ESP550. It cost about $350 with install. I have an optional motion sensor installed that gives warning chirps from the outside and sets off the alarm if you break the interior field. I have a siren inside the vehicle and it's hooked up to my air/factory horn w/ siren. It has remote start, keyless entry and can be upgraded with a lot of other things. The remote range is fantastic.

Whichever alarm you decide to get, I would suggest you get an air horn and have it hooked up to the alarm. It's very simple to do, so if they want a lot of money to do it, say no and i'll try to help out. Also, try and get a backup battery for the alarm, incase the car battery is cut. Good luck.

Re: Sorry to hear

Would any air horn work? For instance the ones used for the car.

I have the Bulldog 2002 talking security system. Excellent system for deturring the run of the mill thieves. This won't keep the big boys from stealing the truck as we all know...if they really want it...they'll get it!!

But as far as keeping punk kids and no good petty thiefs away...this works pretty darn good. Costs $89.99 thru J.C. Whitney. You can use an audible chirp for arming/disarming or the talking mode.

I park my truck at work and it says in a nice real voice (not computerized) "SYSTEM ARMED" When I return it says "SYSTEM DISARMED" If it was activated it will say "I WAS TAMPERED WITH!" If you get too close to the vehicle it will say "YOU ARE TOO CLOSE...PLEASE MOVE AWAY FROM THE VEHICLE". When you set the sensor it will ask you "PLEASE ADJUST SENSOR NOW". When you do it says "THANK YOU" The panic mode is a woman's voice screaming for help as the siren squelches! It also has a "finder" which means when you forget where you parked you press the button and it will send out several LOUD tones to help you locate the vehicle. And the best part is....ONE WIRE HOOKUP!! Mount the speaker to the frame which feels any vibrations and activates alarm. One wire to battery which monitors all electrical systems such as doorlocks and windows and battery. One simple 9-volt battery is the back up in case they cut the battery cable. Click on "MYExplorerPics " in my signature and look at the pic of my engine for a view of the speaker behind my KKM.

Compustars are great units I have them on all my cars. I would recommend DEI, Alpine. I have also done a few Ungo's. I would stay the hell away from Code-Alarm and the one wire all in one units.

I agree that the others are better alarms. Depends on your personal needs/wants. My preference is to keep the "night owls" that walk around parking lots or the street that I park on when I am at home from pulling on the door handle to see if it unlocked or not. To keep someone with a "slim jim" from trying to steal my radio.

The one-wire works great for my purpose. Cost effective. 5-10 minute hook-up. Senses vibrations and electrical changes. Gives warning before actually activating alarm which I am sure my neighbors appreciate. That way loud radios do not activate the siren when they drive by and rattle my truck..lol.

Does anyone have an alarm system that comes with a pager notification system? I've been considering the pros and cons of having an alarm system installed or doing it myself. The greatest con is the lack of a warranty on the system if I install it.

My bulldog security did not come with a pager but it was an option that could be purchased thru JC Whitney. Wasn't that much extra.

I also have a Viper 550ESP. Great alarm. I just have basic features. It works fo me. Bad thing about your experience is they broke the window. No alarm will prevent that. What matters is if anyone will notice the alarm going off. If they break the window again steal your stuff, & no one notices, or cares about that sound comming from your X the alarm is useless!

Well i dont know if this will help u, but i talked to this one guy who made his own secruity system thing. He had tasers under the door handles so that if someone didnt unlock the car and tried to open the car it would knock u out ffor a while or shock u for a while. He said it happened to his girlfriend. It also has a battery inside the car powering that along with all this other sensing and ****. Well this probably didnt help becuase this system would seem like it would hurt u rather then help u. He had every little detail worked out too. THere was no way around it. The only thing is, if the **** malfuntions, your going to be outtie for a while on the pavement while someone can steal whatever. thats the only flaw.
This would be a good system if you are mad at the world and want to harm people. Maybe u could even just put a couple volts in there to shock em a lil. I donno, I hear so many people say that there **** got stolen, that it pisses me off. People needa stop stealing and work for a living. Well enough of my moral babble. I hope i helped.
Another way is just to buy a hand gun and have the pager system.

Just for your info it is illegal to bobby trap a car in a way that will cause injury or harm to someone.
I was once working on a car installing a radio for a customer when I went to remove the old radio I had to remove the back strap and fead it up through the dash.
Well the customer forgot to tell me that he had duck taped razor blade to the back of the radio because he had had a couple stolen. I ended up slicing my hand and fingers up pretty good. I called the cops and filed a complaint an never finished the install.
Needless to say I took the A-Hole to court for lost wages and such because of it.

Brian is absolutely right. Lawsuit waiting to happen!! I accidentally walked to the wrong explorer one time as it was identical to mine....imagine that...2 ford explorers that look alike..go figure!!'

I guarantee you that if I had been shocked (let alone knocked out) simply because I pulled on the door handle of what I thought was my X.....someone would be in court!

makes sense.

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