cel codes 93 ranger | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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cel codes 93 ranger


January 2, 2010
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93 explorer sport
you guys my eyes cant keep up with the blinks and i get different numbers every time if someone can tell me what the codes are would be a big help

its the 93 ranger 2wd 2.3l xlt

love this site was big help when i did the clutch in my explorer


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my eyes wont let me see it right thats my problem i need the help of a kind soul

...To be truthful, it's very hard to tell from that video...:dunno:

..The taping seems to have been started and stopped a few times and some of it has something running in the back ground and some of it don't...

...Could you do a video from before you turn the key to the on position straight thru till you turn the key off?

working from the first video:

first is the "fast code" flash

Up through the 49 second mark are the KOEO codes. It appears they are 116 and 114 (each repeated).
The flash at the 56 second mark is the separator pulse between the KOEO and CM codes.
Up through 1:37 is the first repeat of the CM codes: 224 and 327 and 332 Then they are repeated.

KOEO 114 and 116 are for the IAT and ECT temperature sensors. Usually these are operator error -- namely you performed the KOEO test on a "cold" engine. Bring the engine to operating temperature (temperature gauge is showing cold, so I'm assuming that means the engine was cold) and repeat the test and these codes should go away.

CM 224 indicates a fault in the coil primary. CM 327 and 332 are EGR codes. I'm not familiar with the details of the 2.3 L engine management system, so I don't have any specific diagnostic suggestions from here.

Orielly's (at least the one I go to) does free tool rentals. It's odd how they do it, you have to buy it, and after you are done, you return it for a refund. Anyway, an OBD-I code reader is about $30 or free after you give it back. If you are anywhere near Bemidji, you can come use mine!

lol thats a long drive for me and yes it was on a cold motor

will the egr code affect mpg

Yes, the EGR code can affect your gas mileage.

well now i just need to figure out how to fix it a couple days ago it shut off for 2 hrs

...a couple days ago it shut off for 2 hrs
As in it stalled and wouldn't re-start? If so, you might look at the CM 224 code. Some fault in the coil/circuit could easily cause a stall/no start.

And, once again, I completely misunderstood what you meant -- sorry.

This suggests to me that you might be dealing with an intermittent fault, which could make it that much more difficult to diagnose.

I might start by checking the vacuum lines between the EGR valve and the PFE/DPFE sensor to make sure there aren't any broken/plugged lines.

lines looked good i took off the egr valve and sprayed the inside with carb cleaner and still have a code it runs nice and idles just fine

maybe i need to get another egr valve ???

Maybe. I don't have an EGR system, so I'm not real good at diagnosing them. I think the EGR valve is vacuum operated, so you can usually check it using a cheap hand vacuum pump. While you're at it, it might be worth checking the EGR regulator/solenoid to make sure it is working correctly.
