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"Check Advanc Trac"


Well-Known Member
April 3, 2014
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Ford Explorer XLT
Every now and again when turning the car off, "Check Advanc Trac" pops up on the message center. Car has NO codes. What could this be?

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Ive been searching the forum for this same issue actually. Though I am sure mine has a code, waiting to pick up a code reader to get it pulled. Mine came on the other day after a 5 hour drive and my light will not go out. I hope you get yours figured out! From my searching, it is probably a sensor, but there are quite a few in that system. I would say maybe look at your wheel speed sensors or abs sensor? Good luck!

There is a TSB about this. TSB 06-11-11. It is a software issue in the dash cluster. The repair is to replace the cluster with one with the newer software. The processer in the dash cluster looses the signal from the Advanc-Trac module, because it shut down with the key being turned off. The dash cluster stays 'on' for a second longer causing the Check Advance Trac error. Not really and issue except the occasional Check Advance Trac error.

There is a TSB about this. TSB 06-11-11. It is a software issue in the dash cluster. The repair is to replace the cluster with one with the newer software. The processer in the dash cluster looses the signal from the Advanc-Trac module, because it shut down with the key being turned off. The dash cluster stays 'on' for a second longer causing the Check Advance Trac error. Not really and issue except the occasional Check Advance Trac error.

I had read about this but was thinking it was not my issue, because mine did it while I was driving. We had been driving about 5 1/2 hours and I was pulling into a gas station when it came on. Is this something you can buy and fix yourself? I am hoping mine is something I won't need to go to Ford to have diagnosed because the dealer here charges like $100 per hour with a 1.5 hour minimum :/

I had read about this but was thinking it was not my issue, because mine did it while I was driving. We had been driving about 5 1/2 hours and I was pulling into a gas station when it came on. Is this something you can buy and fix yourself? I am hoping mine is something I won't need to go to Ford to have diagnosed because the dealer here charges like $100 per hour with a 1.5 hour minimum :/

the dealer will reflash your abs to fix this.

