Check engine light issue. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Check engine light issue.


Active Member
March 16, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
North Carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 Aerostar XLT 3.0L
I have a 96 Aerostar that has a "Check Engine" light "issue. I took her in to have the fuel system cleaned about two weeks ago and discovered that I have a bad manifold gasket on the drivers side. Could this cause a "low compression" issue and possibly account for a "lean" reading with the "trouble code"?

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And your DT read out is What????

Oh Well. . . .
Qwik Short Answer is Yes.
But without actual code read out from OBD II system it's a guess at best. Irony is it's what PCM's, Digital Op Sys, DT Codes, & code reading are to prevent. . . .

Oh Well. . . .
Qwik Short Answer is Yes.
But without actual code read out from OBD II system it's a guess at best. Irony is it's what PCM's, Digital Op Sys, DT Codes, & code reading are to prevent. . . .

Code is PO 171 (System too Lean Bank 1)

Well here's goes attempt #3 for clearing the code. I've cleaned the MAF sensor, replaced some hose for a possible vacuum issue, replaced both O2 sensors. I'm about at wit's end.
Also I want to replace the PCV valve but can't seem to locate it. Any assistance with that would be GREATLY Appreciated.

Thank you, will do that in the morning.
Gaw I hate state inspections.

Well after getting the dog house cover off I found the PCV valve.......just sitting there on Top of the valve cover and not in the grommet. Went to put the new one in and as "luck" would have it shattered the plastic elbow that it connects with. Went to Autozone and picked up another PCV w/elbow for a ranger. Got everything installed and back in place, re-set the computer, drove about 20-30 miles and got her to pass inspection. Here's to hopping I don't have to EVER Deal with that d@mn OBD II code again.

Oh yeah, Many thanks yet again Brooklyn.

Good Work Malk67

It never ceases to amaze me how small issues create such humongus problems,
and how our GOV always finds ways to make 'em even worse than they actually are
while making money off it all at the same time :mad: :thumbdwn:

Having gotten that out of my head, GOOD JOB on nailing cause & effect then making a repair.
I bet you saved $375 by not dragging it to a Dealership & paying them to figure it out.
That's good news!

:thumbsup: Glad to hear you got it fixed & Passed the state "snoop test" also, CONGRATS

FBp :salute:

