Chrysler confirmed Hellcat engine will go into Grand Cherokee | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Chrysler confirmed Hellcat engine will go into Grand Cherokee


Pumpkin Pilot
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Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
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Wayoutin, Aridzona
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'93 XL '20 ST
Do you think Ford might respond by putting the V6 GT engine in the Explorer Sport??

I certainly hope so:chug:

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Probably not a good idea on a FWD biased vehicle.

V6 GT what's that? The Mustang version of the 3.5 EcoBoost?

I asked if we would ever see the Raptor EcoBoost V6 3.5L in anything but the Raptor and all I got was laughter.

The Raptor engineers are saying they will surpass the HP and TQ numbers that the previous Raptor 6.2L V8 had, so that would make a very special "HellCat" Explorer Sport.

But then they have to re-engineer the PTU, transmission, rear differential, drive shaft, etc etc.

Take rate might not be enough to justify the business case, especially considering a redesign is around the corner.

They surely need to dump the naturally aspirated 3.5L and make the base V6 engine a 3.7L Lincoln, like the PI Utility and Sedan.

He is referring to the new GT coming out for 2017 ($400,000 +/-) that has a 600 HP racing 3.5 ecoboost.

I do not see a business case for it to make it worth while.

He is referring to the new GT coming out for 2017 ($400,000 +/-) that has a 600 HP racing 3.5 ecoboost.

I do not see a business case for it to make it worth while.

X2 poor investment choice due to this being a fwd setup among other things

Whats the price tag for that thing going to be? How many do you think they will sell?

Jeep has already sold 14921 of their SRT Grand Cherokees. The 2016 model has 475HP and costs $65k. The Hellcat would have to be $70-75??

The horsepower wars are on. Come on Ford!:burnout:

It's a nice thought, but put a $600 tuner in a Sport and run right there with the SRT that costs 20k more than the Sport. I do not know how much faster you need to drive a 3-row SUV before toppling it.

Another Chrysler gimmick vehicle - nice things to talk about but never practical and set to fail. Maybe some of that R&D for the Hellcat should have went to building a reliable power train. At least they finally gave up on trying to build a reliable trans and outsource the ZF from Europe.

Horsepower wars have been on for a while, they just need to meet the EPA rules now. How long is it going to take the insurance companies to step in again and not insure these high horsepower vehicles, leaving the mfg to come up with something else.

Horsepower wars have been on for a while, they just need to meet the EPA rules now.

Not for the domestic SUVs, just the muscle cars. This adds a new level of fun:thumbsup:

IMO not everyone should be behind the wheel of a super high horsepower car. If MSRP and insurance premiums are the gatekeeper, so be it. There are always lower models available for the mere mortals ;)

Not for the domestic SUVs, just the muscle cars. This adds a new level of fun:thumbsup:

IMO not everyone should be behind the wheel of a super high horsepower car. If MSRP and insurance premiums are the gatekeeper, so be it. There are always lower models available for the mere mortals ;)

I totally agree. These kids coming these days wanting high horsepower cars and then wrecking. This is not a video

How many do you think they will sell?

All of them. :salute:

You know, when I was driving Mustangs, it was fun to tweak them for a little more power and put good, aftermarket suspension and stuff on them. I think I had more fun just doing these mods and witnessing the results. I never consider doing the same with the Ex save for a few minor things. It's the 'family truckster' in my mind. Purpose built more for it's utility rather than sport. I don't care about how fast it is 0-60 or quarter mile times. When it comes to power, I only care that it can get out of it's own way and it does this well as is. IMO, if you want fast, get a purpose built car. Mustangs are still reasonable for this and still more bang for the buck as I see it and you don't have to be the fastest guy on the road to have fun with them. At least, I never cared about that. It was just a fun experience. :salute:

All of them. :salute:

You know, when I was driving Mustangs, it was fun to tweak them for a little more power and put good, aftermarket suspension and stuff on them. I think I had more fun just doing these mods and witnessing the results. I never consider doing the same with the Ex save for a few minor things. It's the 'family truckster' in my mind. Purpose built more for it's utility rather than sport. I don't care about how fast it is 0-60 or quarter mile times. When it comes to power, I only care that it can get out of it's own way and it does this well as is. IMO, if you want fast, get a purpose built car. Mustangs are still reasonable for this and still more bang for the buck as I see it and you don't have to be the fastest guy on the road to have fun with them. At least, I never cared about that. It was just a fun experience. :salute:

Thats what I came from when I got my XSport. Lots of fun and power, but it tended to sit in the garage waiting for a nice day, and I would watch the odometer like a hawk not wanting alot of miles on it.

Now that is what we need. Switch the Explorer back to a RWD biased AWD system like my 2002 had and put the Raptor 3.5EB in it. That would be awesome!! Of course it killed me just to pay for the regular Sport, so I could never afford it, but the transverse FWD setup of the Ex is my only real complaint.

It pisses me off how much horsepower you can buy nowadays, since I can't afford it. My Mustang is getting slower and slower every day because anybody that has a little cash can buy a 700hp car from the dealer. I had to work my ass off to get my Mustang in the 10's. Now you can buy that for a little more than a Platinum Explorer costs!! The new Ex Sport is as quick as my 93 Stang was stock and it took way more parts and elbow grease to hit the 13's in the 1/4 which the Ex will do with just a tune.

I do love the idea of the Hellcat Jeep. It would be a blast to drive. Hellcat Jeep for the Mrs and a Hellcat Challenger for me and a Ford GT350 for me too so I can go around corners. LOl. Actually, I would take the next GT500 over the Hellcat. I have to stick with Ford. I need to replace my Ram with an EB F150. Maybe once the Ex is paid off. Then I'll work on replacing my 93 with a Shelby. I was supposed to get all of those this weekend but my damn Power Ball numbers were the wrong ones! damn Power Ball numbers were the wrong ones!

You have got it all mixed up. You had the right numbers, it was just that the wrong balls were pulled!:D

Live the dream!

