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Climate System


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March 28, 2007
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2011 ford explorer
On the limited, if the climate control isn't on AUTO, will the system still try to maintain a preset temp.? The reason I ask is because for example if it's hot outside and the control is on AUTO and the temp is set for 70 deg., the fan initially comes on high which I don't like so I turn the fan down, but then the control goes off AUTO.

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going off experiences with previous won't maintain 70. That 70 now represents a spot on the dial from cold to warm....

On the limited, if the climate control isn't on AUTO, will the system still try to maintain a preset temp.? The reason I ask is because for example if it's hot outside and the control is on AUTO and the temp is set for 70 deg., the fan initially comes on high which I don't like so I turn the fan down, but then the control goes off AUTO.
Sounds like normal behavior for any automatic temperature controlled vehicle. If the difference between the temperature you want and the temperature inside the car is a lot, then it will crank up the fan to try to get it to the desired temperature as quickly as possible. If you mess with the fan speed, it thinks you want control and it goes off auto. My wife's 93 Lexus worked exactly the same way.

Of course, once its on manual control, it will no longer try to maintain temperature since the control now lies with you.

My understanding was if you had it set to 70* on auto, it will blow as hot of air as needed to get it to 70* inside and then adjust the temp to maintain it.

If you don't have it on auto, it will blow 70* air out of the vents.

Could be wrong, that's just how I had always believed it worked.

On the limited, if the climate control isn't on AUTO, will the system still try to maintain a preset temp.? The reason I ask is because for example if it's hot outside and the control is on AUTO and the temp is set for 70 deg., the fan initially comes on high which I don't like so I turn the fan down, but then the control goes off AUTO.
I found the following information in the 2011 Explorer Owner’s Guide in the “Climate Controls” section on page 71:

“AUTO: Press to engage full automatic operation. Select the desired temperature using the temperature control. The system will automatically determine fan speed, airflow distribution, A/C on or off, and outside or recirculated air, to heat or cool the vehicle in order to reach the desired temperature.”

In case you don’t have a digital copy, the Owner’s Guide can also be downloaded/printed for free at > Vehicle Basics > Owner’s Manual and Videos > and selecting 2011 Explorer from the drop down menus!

Please message me if you have any concerns you would like help with, and I will do everything I can to assist you!


Thanks Cory. But the question is what happens if you override the AUTO by reducing the fan speed. The AUTO light goes off. Does that mean that the system will not longer be controlled by the set temp? It will just keep heating or cooling.

That's exactly what it means....Then think of it like a dial.....Lo would be "Cool", 70 would be a mix of cool and warm (more cool than warm), 80 would be a mix of warm and cool (more warm than cool) and HI would be "Warm/Hot".
