"clunking" felt in steering column | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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"clunking" felt in steering column


Well-Known Member
February 17, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Central Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Mountaineer 4.6L
On my 96 Limited 5.0 2wd, I am noticing an intermittant "clunking" soundfelt in the steering column driving slowly (15-25 mph) in parking lots. Front end mechanic says everthing seems tight and the tie rod ends were replaced as a recall by Ford. My truck has about 90K on it. Anyone got any ideas? Thanks Mike

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I have the same problem I can tell you what it isnt in my case-
Lower Ball Joints
Sway Bar Links
Steering joints.

Two dealerships can't find it, its making me want to replace the truck :(

Thanks, Stephen. Other posts have mentioned a kevlar patch somewhere on the torsion bar or front sway bar bushings. Like you, two Ford mechanics/technicians can't seem to find it and say it does not represent a dangerous condition. But it sure is annoying. My next move is to replace the OE shocks, probably with Monroe Reflex. I have them on my wife's Mercury Grand Marque LX and they are great. Same plush ride, but with much more control. Mike

I had this problem from day 1 on my 1996 Sport. Check the steering shaft for play. It is a 2 piece design and if the 2 parts don't fit tightly you'll get a clunk feel. Grab onto the shaft near the joint (it's covered by a rubber boot) and feel if it moves up/down. I shimmed mine with plastic and it is nice and tight.

Yep, there is some play in mine too. That might be my problem. Thanks! Mike

Hey victorm_1,
Do Xs use the Ford "square innie into the square outie" setup I have seen on Ford vans? Is this where the slack is?

Just wondering.

