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Cold Air Intake for 5.0 Explorer

Quick question: any of you guys had an issue with ONE electric window? All the rest work fine, but one all the sudden decided to not work at all when its all the way down. Up does nothing, but down makes a noise.

I would guess maybe a switch or motor? Possibly wiring to that one motor. Not fuse or relay, cuz all others work fine.

Edited : 10 minutes after I posted this. I hit the inside of the door panel pretty hard! Rolled right up, just loose wire. Hope everyone is doing well!

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Have had this happen a few times
Sometimes it is a weak motor
Other times it has been a broken wire in the drivers door wire loom and once it was a broken wire in the door sill area between the passenger front and rear door. The 2000 explorer wiring manual I have has a nice troubleshooting section for diagnosing these issues step by step

Or just beat on things till it works again!!

Yes. That's why I prefer. NO POWER ANYTHING! Manual everything i can get my hands on. Lot less to go wrong. Thanks 410Fortune

Super excited! Thanks again GMAN!!!!!
Super rare opportunity, I couldn't pass up.
Thanks for the extra packaging, there unharmed.


Oh man those are sweeet

I suggest remflex gaskets

Sex in a box

Buy once. Cry once.

Thanks 410Fortune, if you didn't mention it. I wouldn't be a proud owner. Thanks everyone. Now just need to take about a week off work, to work on this thing. Headers, A-arms with ball joints and front end parts. Aswell as new valve cover gaskets, which i have to replace before I install those beautiful headers. I will have to find the page for valve cover replacement first. One day I will meet up with all of you at Movavi. But probably be a couple years.

Has anyone heat wrapped any headers for these explorers? Is it a good choice or not? I want to do it right.

Heat wrap is a good choice it pushes all the heat down stream. However it also traps moisture and can lead to deterioration of the pipes premature
There are some places on the tmh where wrap will be tricky.
There is some good stuff on the market for this the black header wraps are made of volcanic rock and work well
I would do whatever is needed to continue to push the heat downstream hopefully past the floorboards and the transmission

Airflow under the hood and around the engine is your new best friend

Do the valve covers and headers at the same time make life easier with intake off

Cool, thanks. That makes sense. Ya, I was planning on doing it all at the same time.

The swap may have to wait a year or two.

Realistically, I need to catch up on maintenance and get those headers on. Maybe underdrive pulleys, when I can swing them. Then I'll be happy for now. Just don't want ball joints to snap, before I get them replaced. But I don't get paid much at current job. So taking time off to do this stuff in Oregon isn't practical for what I can afford. Garage access is in Oregon and most of my tools. Maybe save up til July and hopefully can do that.

Hello everyone. Hope all is well with you guys.

So those underdrive pulleys someone had shared from Andy's auto sport are DISCONTINUED. I ordered a set and the next day they canceled my order and refunded my payment. I emailed and asked why, they said there discontinued. Getting super difficult to get parts for these explorers! I'm try another route

Also I had more window issues, banging on the panel only helped for about 2 weeks. Only up on the driver side wasn't working, which eliminates fuse or relays. I ended up ordering a new switch off of Amazon for 20 bucks. I researched how to remove the door panels, but nobody had a good video on YouTube. So I made my own. Tried to upload it other night but didn't go through. Gonna try again. Just sharing with the group.

The underdrive pulleys has been a process.... So first Andy's auto sport, nope. Then vividracing has a price match request forum. They were 175 on Andy's. Vicidracing wanted like 220 for them. But they also said they stopped doing business with Jetracing products. Then I thought to go directly to the source. I found the 90103 pulley kit for like 200 something, but they had a thing to get 20% with a promo code. Then it was 175, so fingers crossed that I can finally get these pulleys. Still waiting on response from them. Might only be like 5 horsepower saved or whatever. But it's worth it to me. I'm pretty happy with how the truck is coming along.

$175 for a few ponies is money well spent if it makes you happy!

I finally got the underdrive pulleys. Actually about a week ago, just need to install now. So I have all the upgrades I've wanted except for the rear diff. Cover. But can do that whenever, no hurry.

So for the last month or so I been driving by a mercury mountaineer on my way to work. It was at a tow yard, was abandoned. Stopped by and talked to the guy yesterday. It's a 2000 by the way. Got upper intake manifold, stock wheels and tires, tire iron (which is needed to remove spare), struts for the hood and some little interior plastic pieces for 140. The intake was in much better shape then mine, also my stock wheels and tires are on my other truck 1,800 miles away. Collecting is DONE! Woohoo! Excited to see diff with stock tires, since chip, CAI and pulleys.

Honestly wanted the whole truck, but it's not possible since my current living conditions. No where to store it and work on it. One day I'll have extra motor to rebuild. Hard to rebuild engine in your only daily driver.


Dang that’s a clean merc
I hate to see them go like that
Take it apart piece by piece and rebuild it in your living room

Dang that’s a clean merc
I hate to see them go like that
Take it apart piece by piece and rebuild it in your living room
After you make a coffee table from a 400M engine to use as a workbench.

I really want the whole truck, cuz I could get it super cheap. But I just can't, no keys, no title, nothing. Just a parts truck. Thinking about maybe getting the A/C stuff off it.

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So let me catch up with everyone. I agree with everyone. I don't believe tune is necessary, it's a non tune intake for mustang. But on other hand mustang is not an explorer. Also I agree that anyone that has a few small mods or upgrades would benefit slightly from tuning perfectly. But at sametime, is 5 to 15 horsepower worth 200 to 600 dollars. Headers, YES. Tune probably not unless check engine light on and is necessary.

As for back pressure, I know there is a difference between full race vehicle and daily driver. Also back pressure does affect gas mileage, I may be wrong but I believe it does. I agree to much back pressure is BAD! At sametime if you want more power/ sound good and not destroy mpg. Then you want a little back pressure or gas mileage is shot.

This truck when it was all stock with 29 inch all treads, I got over 21 mpg! No joke.
Then I removed the running boards, because my brand new 31" mudders rubbed with wheel only turned halfway. Then gas mileage was shot! Only get about 16 now. Lol! But my 94 ranger with 3.0 v6 that I put endless number of upgrades on, only got 16 mpg on a good day with same tires. But with half the power, that thing could barely do 65 on flat ground. I think that truck needs a tune. But that's not gonna happen, cause I'm not wasting any more money on that 3.0. So here are some pics.
There's no such thing as back pressure buddy
