cold start problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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cold start problem


November 12, 2009
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1995 Ford Explorer
Here is the problem with my '95 explorer. It's got 162,000 km (imported from Japan). When starting the car in the morning (after it hasn't been used for hours), it starts and dies for the first attampt. The second attempt will start the car but the engine gets about to die; however it keeps on very low RPM, then in a cople of seconds RPM increases to 1,100-1,200. After several high-lows it gets to its normal work. The car works fine during the day. Any help is appreciated

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I have the same issue on my 2000 x

Yes, I did changed the IAC valve a few month ago. When cold, I could hear a whistle noise underhood, I assume that there is a intake manifold gasket leakage.

yes check all intake and tighten all bolts for intake if that doesnt work id say check MAF or egr/evr

I have heard on some explorers the coolant temp sensor was made of plastic and did not last long. There is an upgrade to the old units which I have been told will fix the cold start problem. I haven't tried it yet because my son has the truck in Kansas but I will be getting my hands on it soon and am going to replace the sensor with a new one. I have had this cold start problem for the last few years. I have replaced the IAC valve but that wasn't it. I have never had the MIL light come on either. After it warms up it always runs good but the gas mileage has been bad. I'll let you know if this solves some of the problems.
