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comp cams


Active Member
September 10, 2001
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City, State
Eastside, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Explorer Sport 4wd
I have two questions about the comp cams for the 1st gen explorers...

first, are the comp cams the same cam that is sold at vanir tech??

secondly, anyone who is using a comp cam, how do you like it and which cam did you get(im pretty sure comp cams offers two of them)


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I'm not sure if the comp cams are the same as vanir. I don't think they are.

Yes Comp does offer 2 different RV cams for the 4.0L
One is for HP and torque powerband is from 800-4200 RPMS
the other is the more heavier RV cam, its the 270, its powerband range is from 1500-5600 RPMS.

I'm running the comp 270 cam in my 91 4.0. So far I like it very much, now I did do alot of other mods to the engine with the cam. So its pushing more HP then just the cam would give ya.

It just depends on what your gonna do with yours would depend on which one to get.

Comp cams and Vanir are the same.

Same cams.

I have the #410-8 ( 252 I think or the smaller of the two)and use it for a daily driver. No loss bottom end, bit more power above 2500-3000. It works well with headers, and TB. If you have more compression, and higher gears the 270 or a larger custom would be better if you can run higher RPMs.

Cam is fine, get new pushrods from smith bros. (same place sven gets his).

If your looking for a cam may try cam craft - - thery can grind one for you.

What other mods do you have?

i have jba headers, bbk throttle body, kkm intake with pipe and dynomax exhaust.

i wanted to get a cam that i woudlnt lose any low end torque or power but would gain more in the midrange to about 5000 rpm.

my explorer is a daily driver too, so i dotn wanna get soemthign to wild where its unbearable to drive...i guess im trying to get the best of both worlds which is gonna be pretty hard.

Post the specs on both cams and we can then tell what they really are !

I run a Comp Cam in a 5.0L with a .510I/.515E lift and 1300 - 5500 rpm HP/Torque range, I can't think of the duration, I can post later. Pulls like hel# on low end where I wanted it and has a good driving range.

I called the Comp Cams' Tech Line (#?) and they helped me spec out the right cam.

Comp Cams has a lot more cams than what are advertised. Also, buy a kit with with their lifters and maybe springs if the money permits.

Good Luck,

:usa: :chug: :ca:


how much did the 5.0 cam run you???
