Couple questions for you guys | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Couple questions for you guys


Well-Known Member
March 30, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Cincinnati, OH
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Explorer Sport 4x4
Alright so the first question is probably an easy one but, will any 95-01 rear quarter panel fit a 98 sport? I'm looking to replace my quarter panel on my sport and was wondering if a four door quarter panel would fit?

Second question, I have this squeak coming from my front tires. Whenever I go over a bump or turn I have an, at times, loud squeak. Sometimes it isn't so loud but does anyone know what this could be?

Thanks in advance

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I think there is a difference concerning the taillights. I believe I have read it is in 98, but not sure. And what about the length from the door to the tail light? The squeak in the front end could be anything in the suspension. Use some sort of spray lube on the suspension bushings, sway bar end links, etc. until you locate the squeak. WD-40 will work to locate the noise, but not really a good, long lasting lube.

I think there is a difference concerning the taillights. I believe I have read it is in 98, but not sure. And what about the length from the door to the tail light? The squeak in the front end could be anything in the suspension. Use some sort of spray lube on the suspension bushings, sway bar end links, etc. until you locate the squeak. WD-40 will work to locate the noise, but not really a good, long lasting lube.

You are right about the body style that was my mistake. It'd have to be a 98-01 model, any clue if that would work?

We put a ton of grease all over and the problem wasn't gone but a tad bit quiet.

You are right about the body style that was my mistake. It'd have to be a 98-01 model, any clue if that would work?

We put a ton of grease all over and the problem wasn't gone but a tad bit quiet.

hit all the front bushings with your favorite penetrating oil. i do this about once a month. but then again, my Ex is 14 years old with 170k miles. ill allow it to squeak a little

hit all the front bushings with your favorite penetrating oil. i do this about once a month. but then again, my Ex is 14 years old with 170k miles. ill allow it to squeak a little

I'll try it out. Mine is also 14 years old with 195ish thousand on the body. I just don't like hearing it squeaking all the time :D

I'll try it out. Mine is also 14 years old with 195ish thousand on the body. I just don't like hearing it squeaking all the time :D

penetrating oil helps with the squeaks, does not get rid of them all though, but it helps

Rear quarter panel in a sport? Can you show me where that panel is, cause the sport seems like it goes all the way to the door, but I'm not good with body panels at all. Seriously, I have zero clue. So a pic with like microsoft paint to show the seams/break points would be cool.

The difference in the tail light is the way they line up with the rear hatch, not the quarter panel. 95-00 sport quarters should be the same.

If it's just the rear of the quarter panel you need,
past the wheel well arch, then a 4-dr 'might' work.
The panels are completely different forward of the
arch, because of the rear doors.

As to the squeak, try squirting some lithium grease
into the holes where the torsion bars fit. This cured
my squeaks.
