Crank-NO START. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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November 3, 2009
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City, State
Elgin, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT 5.0LTR V8 AWD
Engine cranks-NO START!! I put all new rotors, calipers and pads along with new hubs on my Explorer. Also new coil packs and plugs. It won't start. The theft light comes on and stays on along with interior lights when doors are locked. When you first turn ignition key to on, the theft light won't light up.

I've been fighting with this thing for weeks now. "I'm just not feeling the love" Anyone have a torch?:mad:

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Are you hearing the fuel pump prime when you turn the key over (not starting it)

Engine cranks-NO START!! I put all new rotors, calipers and pads along with new hubs on my Explorer. Also new coil packs and plugs. It won't start. The theft light comes on and stays on along with interior lights when doors are locked. When you first turn ignition key to on, the theft light won't light up.

I've been fighting with this thing for weeks now. "I'm just not feeling the love" Anyone have a torch?:mad:

NO. But it seems that the anti-theft system has cut the power to my coil packs too.

Hey KingSnake.....I just want to thank you for the quick response. Plus I have another question, Does my 1997 have PATS? Or did that start in 1998???

You got all those parts brand new?
re-checked all of what you replaced?
That is quite the odd situation you have there.
I only have 3 years in being an automotive tech, but have no clue why your truck wont start.
Do you have gas? lol. :p

I've checked and rechecked. I am assuming that it cut power to the pump because it cut power to the coil packs. It ran on the coil packs long enough to pull it into the driveway.

Hm, I've never been any good with electrical gremlins, lol.
Best of luck to ya figuring it out! :)

Do the 1997's have the pats system?? I was told that this started in 1998. No, I bought it used and it only came with one key and one remote.:(

I did check the inertia switch, about a dozen times by now. It seems to be fine.

98 and up had pats. First, can you hear your fuel pump when the key is on? If you can, see if you are getting spark. if you changed the coil, the plug might not be getting a good contact. If you are getting spark, see if you have compression. I just sort of went through the same ordeal.

My Explorer was parked in front of my house for a couple of years. When I went to start it to pull it in the driveway it would try to start. I checked the spark and it was pretty weak. I checked the primary and secondaries on both coil packs. They were bad. I installed 2 new coil packs. It started right up and I put it into my driveway. My son and I put new hubs on the front, new rotors calipers and pads all the way around. Went to start it to take it in for an alignment and EPA start. It ill turn over. I checked the coil packs and there is nothing wrong with them but they are not putting out spark. Then I noticed that the anti-theft light will stay on when you lock the doors but will not come on when you turn on the ignition. I also noticed that I could no longer hear the fuel pump. That night at about 1am the lights started flashing and horn honking. I reset the alarm but the dome lights will not turn off and the theft light was on (not flashing). We also put in new plugs.

PATS & fuel injection

I don't know about the 1997 but on my 2000 PATS only disables the fuel injection. I tried to start my Sport with a bad ignition key. It would crank but not start. I sprayed starter fluid into the intake tube (toward the throttle body) and it started right up and ran for a second or two.

If your vehicle set for a couple of years then the fuel was probably bad. Did you drain the tank, change the fuel filter and add fuel injector cleaner before starting it?

1997 does not have PATS. The anti-theft system in the 1997 model year (RAP module) does not disable the coil packs or the fuel pump. It directly disables the starter motor.

Stupid question, but is the battery fully charged? A low battery can cause all sorts of problems.

Get out your multimeter and check for voltage at the R/LG wire on the coil packs - should have full 12 volts in Run and Start. If not, work your way back through the circuit. Fuse 19 (inside) feeds this circuit. Fuse 14 (under the hood) feeds fuse 19 through the ignition switch.

Check that the PCM is getting power. Check fuse 2 and 11 under the hood and the PCM power relay in the same box. Fuse 19 (inside, same one that powers the coil packs) triggers the PCM relay.

Fuse 3 under the hood powers the fuel pump relay. If this fuse is good and getting power, then there is power flowing to the fuel pump relay. If the PCM is getting power, then check to see if there is power at the inertia switch for a second or two after the key is turned on (this verifies that the PCM is turning on the fuel pump relay).

Also you could check the cam position sensor or the crank position sensor. If it's the crank position sensor then all you have to do is wipe it off.

Thanks guys. I'll check ALL these out. I'm about ready to torch it.

5 gallons new gas and new battery. Checked fuses....all good.

Still cranks no start, theft light stays on when doors locked. that is the only time it lights up. Interior lights stay when doors are locked too.

Anybody have more ideas????????? I don't know where else to look.

My ex sometimes refuses to start. Smacking the relays got it to work, before I replaced them. Just a thought.

What the heck. I'll give it a try. Thank You.

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My Explorer was parked in front of my house for a couple of years. When I went to start it to pull it in the driveway it would try to start. I checked the spark and it was pretty weak. I checked the primary and secondaries on both coil packs. They were bad. I installed 2 new coil packs. It started right up and I put it into my driveway. My son and I put new hubs on the front, new rotors calipers and pads all the way around. Went to start it to take it in for an alignment and EPA start. It ill turn over. I checked the coil packs and there is nothing wrong with them but they are not putting out spark. Then I noticed that the anti-theft light will stay on when you lock the doors but will not come on when you turn on the ignition. I also noticed that I could no longer hear the fuel pump. That night at about 1am the lights started flashing and horn honking. I reset the alarm but the dome lights will not turn off and the theft light was on (not flashing). We also put in new plugs.

Anyone have any more suggestions or ideas????
I'm not sure what to do next.
Is there a way to reset the anti-theft (RAP) system. Is it possible it's (for lack of a better word) stuck??
