Crown King, AZ '09 Dec. 18,19,20 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Crown King, AZ '09 Dec. 18,19,20


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Elite In Memoriam
March 4, 2007
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City, State
anaheim hills,california
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
..Tentative dates for now are Dec. 18,19,20 '09..

...During this weekends Truckhaven run, It was brought up that we should do another Crown King run in Ariz....

...The run is about 35 miles of scenic wheeling and there is camping in the area and could be run in about 5 hours? or so, depending on the turnout...

...The interested folks are:


Duder 1

...This will be a fun trip for all with 4wd...:D

...Quick Links I found with Crown King info..
...Includes some pics...

...From the trail book:

"If you were to ask a cross-section of four-wheel drivers in Arizona to name their favorite trail, or the best-known trail in the state, there is a very good chance that the Crown King Backroad would come out on top. It seems that everyone has heard of the trail and its rough and rugged reputation, not to mention its length. The time we give is the estimate for one or two vehicles to travel the full length of the trail—larger groups normally allow a full day. Special Attractions: Sears-Kay Ruin; Access to many backcountry trails; Seven Springs Recreation Site. This trail is for experienced four-wheel drivers only. It is potentially dangerous, with large rocks, ruts, or terraces that may need to be negotiated. It may also have stream crossings at least 18 inches deep, involve rapid currents, unstable stream bottoms, or difficult access; steep slopes, loose surfaces, and narrow clearances; or very narrow sections of shelf road with steep drop-offs and potentially challenging road surfaces."

..And this is a previous run...But you don't have to play on all the fun stuff if you don't want to...:D

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If this 35 miles can be done in 5 hours then why we need 3 days for it ? just Curious and asking questions here

The bigger the group, the longer it takes.

I've been on runs through crown king that took 8 hours..


Not sure what Ted has in mind for the other days, but if you're feeling adventurous the Crown King trail run can be extended significantly as you can continue on to Prescott on the historic Senator Highway. The Senator Highway from Crown King to Prescott is dirt the whole way, easy, but fairly long. Lot's of switch backs winding through the mountains, all through thick pine forest. From Prescott you can either take the freeway back to Phoenix, or one of the most twisty and scenic paved mountain roads in the state.

Lot's of options.

...Nothing in mind so far...

...I just figured we could do Crown King on Saturday...For those who have to drive a long distance, Friday night would be a good time to arrive, trail Saturday, camp overnight and leave Sunday...:dunno:

...As Mark mentioned, this trail can take quite a bit longer and as Rick mentioned, there are other trails to run on after...

...I just know my Ranger wants to go back...:D

Welp stick me on the Interested list for now.


I might be able to swing this.

...You both have been added...:D

bumpin for more interest

...I just updated the first post with some more info and links...;)

lol Man only took you a year to fix the Ranger :p: did'nt realize it was that long ago already.

...Yea yea...I got my new axles front and rear, Detroit and ARB, new tires, tranny mount with brackets for my Ballistic joints, C-Clip Eliminator, (and I put them all on in about 2 weeks) and hopefully will have my new RA's on by then...

...You have 7 weeks of time to get your truck ready, new tires, and get a compressor and tire gauge for the trip...:p:

yea yea

while your in here flapping ur Dentures i am in the garage right now working on this beast

..The list is updated...

I drove by the trailhead on my way back from Sierra Vista early in the year. I wish I could go!

...You can go...We are happy to give out permission slips and call your C.O.'s for you...:salute:

Man that is funny! I really needed a good laugh!


I, _________________________, give my permission, for, ______________________, to be absent from work with pay, from________ to _________, for the purpose of severely needed offroading therapy.

_________________ promises to come back to work, giddy, and with a detailed account of all the thrills, spills, and chills, of the above stated therapy session. Photos are optional, but preferred.

There ya go!

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