Crown Vic 4.6 to explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Crown Vic 4.6 to explorer


New Member
March 23, 2015
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 explorer
My sister in laws motor recently blew up and we found an 08 police crown Vic for dirt cheap my question is can we put the motor from the Vic in her explorer? It has the 4.6 but blew up and it's an 2003 thanks

You'll have to reuse the Explorer front drive set-up (power-steering, alternator, etc) and possibly the Explorers intake. Being a 2008 motor, that means it is the PI (power improved) design just like the Explorer. Only obvious difference is the CV block is iron compared to the Explorer which is aluminum.

I read that the Vic uses the 4r70w trans would it still bolt up to the 5r55w

Yes it will. As I almost just recently was going to do this swap there are some differences. There is only 1 knock sensor on the iron block, 2 on explorer. 1 bolt on timing cover will not line up from explorer to iron block and 1 bolt on the passenger motor mount is off by an inch.
