cruise control buttons replace | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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cruise control buttons replace


Well-Known Member
December 17, 2009
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 v8
Hi, the cruise control soft buttons have dried and cracked thru on my 97, can't do a speed set unless I use top of a pen (no fun at 70mph).
I have a spare explorer for parts with good buttons, my questions is how does one remove them? I am hesitant to dismantle steering wheel due to air bag.


Dis connect battery for about 15min

On both sides of steering coluum are plugs. Use a knife or small screw driver to pop these out. 2 small bolts maybe 7 or 8mm 1 on either side. Air bag can be pulled off now.

If I remember right I just moved the air bag to the top of the coluum.

OK Found this link

Replace cruise buttons

The info in the link outlines it in detail I should have mine done in 45 minutes, extra 15 for removing the switch from parts explorer....

