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Cruise control


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2002
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City, State
Forsyth GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
05 XLT 4.6
My ST seems to be having a cruise control issue.
Sometimes when I turn it on the dash indicator just gives a quick flash and the CC never engages. Now this does not happen all the time. Sometimes it works fine and all is well. Do I need to replace the CC modual under the hood?

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I have been searching the other threads and have not found a real solution for this even though many others are having this same problem.

Quite possibly the switch on the master cylinder. Have you had the cruise recall done? If not, unplug that switch and get it done. It may fix your issue and will surely safeguard you from the cruise switch fire threat.

Edit: St not included in recall after '02. Still check the switch with a VOM for proper operation.

Where is the switch located on the Master Cylinder. What does it look like

What are the specs when I test the Ohms and or voltage.

What do I need to preform the test? does the truck need to be on..Do I need to try and turn the cruise on...(atleast push the button)

I am finding out that my Cruise Control works when the weather is cold. Any thoughts why it is working only when it is really cold outside

What in the CC system would be affected by the cold? Like I have said it is working great now that the temp is cold but once the weather warms back up in a few days I am sure it will not work.

I think I wilol give up on finding a fix for my Cruise Control. It seems to be working again just fine. It got cold a few weeks ago and the CC has been working ever since even when the air temps went back up to the 70s.
