Custom A/C lines??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Custom A/C lines???


DIY stunt double
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Elite Explorer
June 16, 2003
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City, State
Humboldt, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mounty
I need to have the upper hose from accumulator to the compressor custom made-or straightened. It is a clearance issue with the different intake manifold angle. I'm trying to get my truck tuned finally--the intake tube -ac line clearance is causing me a great headache while trying to build a better intake--

Where can I get a custom ac line made?--or is there a better way? Ideas are welcome--

I went to 2 local places, they suggested a flexible extension, but couldn't find enough straight pipe to clamp (press fitting) it on to--

now, the big problem is that it is actually part of a manifold type thing on the compressor, with another line which comes from the condensor being part of the assembly also-

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Yeah take your old hoses to a hydraulics shop.

If the end fittings are non-standard, they should be able to chop off a small section of the end and re-use them in a new hose.

If they are standard, then it should be no problem.

I find myself browsing endlessly when I visit the hydraulics shop -- I sometimes wish they'd take twice as long making a hose or whatever so I can have more browsing time.

it looks like this--(ebay picture)

to the left is the line I need straight--see how the other end is part of the manifold? There is no connector there. It is just kinda welded-

On the free end, the pictured one looks damaged or bent and crimped a bit, mine is actually s shaped there--
The 2 places I took it too suggested what you said Iz, --but the bend in ther pipe is too close to get a straight run for crimping.
These are the spring clip fittings-are these fittings available? If so, maybe a complete hose crimped at the manifold thing--making a complete new line??


  • ac lines.jpg
    ac lines.jpg
    19.7 KB · Views: 771

If all your options run out and you dont have a welder and that manifold is steel, send it to me and the new section of steel tube and I'll weld it for you.

If the end fittings are non-standard, they should be able to chop off a small section of the end and re-use them in a new hose.

We won't do this if the hose fittings are different mfg than the hose mfg.

Each mfg has different crimp specs for their hose & fittings.

Auto A/C lines have different threads than industrial fittings. They are also aluminum instead of steel.

I know O'reilly's advertises custom Gates hoses and gates is a mfg of A/C hoses.

Goodyear also has A/C hose fittings and hose. I would make you a hose Jon but we would have to order a minimum of 250' of hose as we do not stock Goodyear Hydraulic hose.

However get me the size (i.d.) of the hose & I will see if our rep can get me a sample piece. If so I will just need to see your old hose to match up the cplgs.

Is there a real AC shop close by?

I suspect that most AC places today, only change parts and re-charge.....but, the old timers may have the tools to do the crimps and fittings on a new hose. Check the yellow pages.

IF you live far from a "big city" finding an AC shop with the tools may be impossible.

Aloha, Mark

This has proven to be difficult--
I'm even having a hard time finding a shop just to reclaim the refrigerant. They all tell me it is cheaper just to "let it spray!!"

I'm going to try a different route. I didn't want to do this, but I think I'm going to get an intercooler piping kit to get around it--:(

I'll need about 5 out of the 45 parts--lol

many napa stores cam name you custom hoses/high pressure lines.

I have ALWAYS found what I need off other year/model Fords :)

Jon, get this super expensive crimping tool, and open a shop out of your house for automotive specialty work like powdercoating, welding, radiator repair, crimping A/C, and hydraulic lines, etc.

OK-this is just hell--
The darn AC line is just in the way. Instead of going around it with an intake tube--how about this--
Can I relocate my drier (accumulator) bottle-and run a new hard line from the evaporator to the bottle? These fittings would be easier to make--
