Custom Supercharger Dyno numbers SOHC 4.0 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Custom Supercharger Dyno numbers SOHC 4.0


March 30, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Jasper, Alabama
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Roush GT
We just got back from the dyno session this morning and we got some great numbers for just bolting on a M90. This is Generation-Edge's or Jason's truck. We made a total of 4 runs with each gaining more hp each time. We did let it sit for a while and turned a fan on it between runs. The air/fuel ratio isn't good for a supercharged application. We saw it go into the 15:1 range a few times which isn't good at all, around idle it was at or below 14.7:1. According to the torque curve it looks to be loosing on some fuel as well. I think when we get a larger pump, some 30's and a calibrated MAF from Pro-M the numbers are really gonna climb.

It was funny the owner of the dyno didn't know what to think when he saw the numbers, he said he's had some big bolt on modified 96-98 gt's that weren't putting out those kinda numbers.

246 RWHP and 290 Ft/Lbs or Torque

Now we have a base line to go from we can do some addtional mods and see where we go from here. There again this was just bolting the charger on, no tuning, no headers, no fuel upgrades or MAF. All in all I can say that Jason was very happy with it.

From posted dyno results from Pete Campbell at the stock 4.0 SOHC puts out around 160 RWHP and 190 Ft/Lbs of Torque.

Later Doug904.:)

Dyno sheet 1

Dyno sheet 2

Dyno sheet 3


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wow.. impressive for a sohc..

Umm, custom manifold, custom installation, an a 4th Generation Eaton. Hmm. I don't wanna put a price tag on the labor but in parts its less then $2000. Oh, and its no where near emissions legal ;).hahhaa.

Laeter Doug904.


Hopefully I'll end up around or a bit higher than those numbers after my head swap, etc. Sounds like the numbers keep with the stock SOHC vs. OHV difference. I made 200/250 right after my s/c install before tuning.
