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Dano and his Navajo


Well-Known Member
September 14, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Lemoore CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 Navajo X 2
I figured it was about time to post something. I have a 91 Navajo which i bought from my boss after my wife had an accident in my Scion TC. I spent way too much for the Navajo. it was in terrable shape and i didnt know any better at the time. i didnt know the first thing about working on trucks or cars either. i figured it would last me a bit till i bought a new vehicle.
I like fixing things and knowing that there were issues to be fixed on the Navajo on the driveway really bugged me to the point where i just needed to learn and get the job done.
Well i just jumped right into it. My Navajo was a poor sight at the time at 180,000 miles. ( The boss told me it only had 80K i realized later that the odo doesnt go past 100k ) but ive been working real hard at it and using this forum to get the technical knoledge and knowhow to understand and help me though this adventure. My Baby has come a long way. a real long way.

the original problems i knew of when i first popped the hood were.

power steering unit would not hold fluid,
terrible knocking noise from somewhere
tire rot
hissing noises
and a bunch of cosmetic issues.

i managed to use this forum and other sources to fix these issues by replacing the power steering unit and the power steering lines. replacing all my tires. tore apart the top end of the block and cleaned out at least a solid 1/8th of caked corrosion, replaced worn rocker arms that were causing the knocking noise, new gaskets and head bolts, spark plugs / wires, the works. managed to track down a thread concerning my hissing noise and found my gasket on the master brake cylinder was cracked. replaced. the full story is very good and full of good garage stories and messups. it would be a huge post if i put this story to typing.

But since then other problems came up and i am fixing things left and right. if anyone would think this story is worth reading let me know and ill type it. but for now i will settle for this. thanks to everyone that seeks answers to the tough questions on this forum. you continue to help me and many like me. i went from just knowing where my fluids go to having a pretty good understanding of how my Navajo live, breathes, and talks.

- Dano

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Of course it is! When you do though puts some pics up. You could start a "registry" and post up the progress you make on your truck. The contributions on here are what make this forum so great! I'll look forward to seeing Dano's Navajo Registry :)

I figured it was about time to post something. I have a 91 Navajo which i bought from my boss after my wife had an accident in my Scion TC. I spent way too much for the Navajo. it was in terrable shape and i didnt know any better at the time. i didnt know the first thing about working on trucks or cars either. i figured it would last me a bit till i bought a new vehicle.
I like fixing things and knowing that there were issues to be fixed on the Navajo on the driveway really bugged me to the point where i just needed to learn and get the job done.
Well i just jumped right into it. My Navajo was a poor sight at the time at 180,000 miles. ( The boss told me it only had 80K i realized later that the odo doesnt go past 100k ) but ive been working real hard at it and using this forum to get the technical knoledge and knowhow to understand and help me though this adventure. My Baby has come a long way. a real long way.

the original problems i knew of when i first popped the hood were.

power steering unit would not hold fluid,
terrible knocking noise from somewhere
tire rot
hissing noises
and a bunch of cosmetic issues.

i managed to use this forum and other sources to fix these issues by replacing the power steering unit and the power steering lines. replacing all my tires. tore apart the top end of the block and cleaned out at least a solid 1/8th of caked corrosion, replaced worn rocker arms that were causing the knocking noise, new gaskets and head bolts, spark plugs / wires, the works. managed to track down a thread concerning my hissing noise and found my gasket on the master brake cylinder was cracked. replaced. the full story is very good and full of good garage stories and messups. it would be a huge post if i put this story to typing.

But since then other problems came up and i am fixing things left and right. if anyone would think this story is worth reading let me know and ill type it. but for now i will settle for this. thanks to everyone that seeks answers to the tough questions on this forum. you continue to help me and many like me. i went from just knowing where my fluids go to having a pretty good understanding of how my Navajo live, breathes, and talks.

- Dano

Thanks goes to Rick and those who make this forum possible. Ever since I have been on this forum I have been amazed by what these ingenious people have been able to accomplish. Looking forward to your registry.

Also if you feel that this site has saved you at least $20, consider going Elite.


Thank you guys for the warm welcome.

just a heads up to anyone replacing their power steering unit.. make sure you torque the three bolts that go into the frame because, they will shake themselves loose. i didnt know what was wrong when my steering wheel had a bunch of give before it actually turned the truck.
luckly i figured i should check under the hood and what was happening was when i turned the wheel the power steering unit would turn too until it caught on somthing and actually turned the vehicle. i was also luckly that all my bolts stayed put and i didnt lose anything. a little bit of my calibraded elbow torque and everything was great.

my next paycheck i will definately figure out how to get some official status with this forum and get pictures and stories about my beast. i havent really explored that side of the site but im sure it will be awsome. thanks again to everyone who saved me literally thousands of dollars enabling me to do things myself.
- dano

Welcome, Dano!
