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All right since i found gears for cheap this guy has like a stock pile sooo.....
I do like 50% city
40% offroad and 10% highway
which gears,,, 4.56 or 4.10 (i got 33s)


i think 3.08s and a 35 is the perfect around town gearing.

hmm lets see, probly... 85mph at 750-800 rpm

ya i think ill go with the 456s cause the 308 deal sounds like a pothead idea.....sorry but i got high enough gears allready.

ya i think ill go with the 456s cause the 308 deal sounds like a pothead idea.....sorry but i got high enough gears allready.

lol i was kidding i think 3.73 with P235 tires is too tall for a 4X4. i can go 75 MPH in 2nd, come on ford it not a mustang. maybe i dont have 3.73s though, the door sticker is D4 and the axel says 3L73 maybe the people that owned it before me swaped them. 75 is pritty fast for a 4X4.

a true 4x4 only needs to go 45mph at 3500-4000rpm....

i ment 75 in 2nd gear is a little fast for a 4X4

i guess if it aint gunna be a hot rod you only need about 80 mph at 3000 and like 75 at 2500.
