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April 19, 2012
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2013 XLT
I put down a deposit yesterday on a 2013 Ex. It is an XLT 4WD with the 202A package. It has the Charcoal interior. It has the 20" wheels, tow package and the BLIS/Inflatable belts package. It is Kodiac Brown. That color is awesome.

Anyway, I am getting ready to pick it up this week. Just a couple questions for the experts on here. Has anyone got the 3M clear bra put on their Ex? Is it worth it? I am leaning towards getting this.

Has anyone done the paint sealant or undercoating that the dealer offers? I am leaning towards not doing these things but wanted to know a few opinions.

Thanks in advance for all the input!

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The paint sealant and undercarriage spray is a complete waste of money.. Dont do it.. Pure dealer profit.

I have never used 3M before but I did buy a film kit that my auto body is going to put on. It was $300 for the kit plus whatever the labor is.

Agree with bkwnsmoke, sealant and undercoating is a waste of your money.

One product I swear by and have used for years is NuFinish. It's a polymer wax. Goes on easy, comes off even easier. Lasts for a year, and the water beads up and runs off like a ducks back. It also makes the bugs come off usually with just a hose.

"Invisible shield" is a duplicate product of Rainex, but you get twice as much for half the price. Ace Hardware stores carry it (or will order it for you).

Concerning the bra...I've had them on other cars and unless you keep the INSIDE of them really clean, they will take their toll on your front end clear coat.

Have you considered a bug shield that mounts on the front of the hood? I saw an Ex with one last week, and it looked really good. I had on my F-150 and it worked great.

Anyway, just some thoughts. Hope they help. Let us know what you decide.

Good luck!

briteboy, stevenailor was referring to the clear bra that is put onto the surface of the paint kinda like window tint is put on windows. It is difficult to see, removable/replaceable if needed, and protects the finish of the car.

Check out this LINK

Oh man Vince... So it's not like my 05 mustang with the shaker 500...? No rocking out to some seriously loud bass?

Oh man Vince... So it's not like my 05 mustang with the shaker 500...? No rocking out to some seriously loud bass?

LOL nitzer, I didn't know what you were talking about at first, then I realized you were responding to my post from another thread! :D

Whoops! I'm using the iPhone app... My bad!

More pertinent to ts thread... I am getting the clear bra for my baby they day I pick her up... Already have it scheduled... And for the original poster who probably doesn't know.... I too will have a Kodak brown... I'll be sure to snap pictures of how it looks.. She should be in my loving arms on may 7th..

Haha... Ford sent a giant "it's a girl card" after she rolled off the line...

Thanks everyone. Just as I thought. I am going to skip everything except the clear 3M bra thingy. I am going to give it a try. I have read mixed opinions on it but decided to try it out. I am going to pick it up this week but I might push it out to Saturday. It is supposed to rain here all week and I don't want to drive it home in the rain the first day.:)

Also, I went to the dealer on Sunday to take a look at it sitting on the lot. They left it unlocked. I was shocked that they would do that but I suppose someone just forgot after they took all of the plastic and factory packing off of it.

I can't wait to get it even if my wife will be driving it most of the time.
