Diminishing returns? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Diminishing returns?

Is there a hypothetical or real number of coats of Z2 polish that reaches a point of diminishing returns in regard to either protection and/or shine?

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I don't think so. There was a guy on ls1.com who had over 150 coats on his Firebird. :eek: I personally have 17 on mine and I saw a definite improvement with every coat. The paint looks like liquid glass (well, it does under all that Michigan crud on there right now).



The reason I asked the question is that I have probably 18-20 coats of Z2 on my truck and I did not visually see any difference after about 6-8 coats.

Really? Did you remember to use Z1 after every tenth coat? I definitely see an improvement with each new coat. I also use Z5 every 5th coat.



I used Z1 after 10 coats on part of my truck and did not use it on other parts. The results, NO vivible difference. Now don't get me wrong, the truck simply glows and shines like a new penny. My paint id Metalic Chestnut.

What color is yours? Maybe color makes a differenvce.

Could be the color. Mine is dark red. I haven't put this many coats on any other car to see if there's a difference. :cool:



Originally posted by Mike 92 XLT
I don't think so. There was a guy on ls1.com who had over 150 coats on his Firebird. Mike

Holy crap! Would that mean if you smacked his car just right a chunk of wax would fall off?

Heh heh...Zaino doesn't build up like normal wax does. That's why you can layer so many coats.


