disconnect tool at tank - what size? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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disconnect tool at tank - what size?


February 17, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Seattle, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Explorer 4.0L
Hi, I'm about to drop my tank to replace the fuel pump this week. I'm not sure what size disconnect tool to get for the line at the tank though. Does anyone know? I couldn't find it in the shop manual or any of the other threads. I have the one I used for the fuel filter - I think 5/16.

I think I've got everything else I need after reading all the posts.

Thanks! (1998 OHV 4.0L vin X)

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Just get the multi pack thing:

But just to warn you, I had to shim one of these with electrical tape to make it thicker because it wasnt spreading the springs inside the connection far enough.

I didn't see the multi-pack there so I'll have to look around some more and check out some other shops. The metal ones were $15 a pop at Schucks so I didn't want to accidentally pick up the wrong one! Thanks for the tip.

Just an fyi..
Many people have a hard time trying to disconnect fuel lines. IMO it is because the tool is not being used correctly. The tool needs to be FULLY inserted until it's flange contacts the end of the fuel line. I just swapped out my fuel filter this weekend and there was No way I could fully insert the tool by just using my hands. I used a long pair of needle nose pliers to squeeze the tool into the fitting and it worked perfectly.

Thanks, I did have a little trouble when I did my fuel filter a few weeks ago. Still haven't picked up the multi pack to drop the tank and it keeps snowing here in Seattle which is just crazy.
