Fuel Disconnect Tools | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fuel Disconnect Tools


Active Member
January 14, 2020
Reaction score
City, State
Bonny Doon, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Mercury Mountaineer
I'm trying to disconnect the lines to the fuel pump. I disconnected one, the return line, but I can't disconnect the other line (from pump outlet).
I have the Lisle tools:
- Lisle 37000
- Lisle 37300

Removing the fuel tank was quite a chore. I had to remove the driveline to access that pesky tube going to the Evap.

Old fuel is yellow, looks like urine. Weird.

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I just bought one of those, will receive it next week. Fingers crossed.

This is the tool that I've always used:


One of my quick disconnects at the pump was ‘squished’. The receptacle was elliptical, not oval. It made removal extremely difficult. I ended up having to cut the line going into the tank so I could squeeze them back to circular and get into the fitting with jewelers screwdrivers as the plastic tools were not cutting it. Royal PITA. Those QDs are annoying, and I’ve fought with some quite a bit, but this one was next level.

Great news. The scissors type worked. Happy!

There are many options if you don't have the tool. Some have had success using the cut off end of a plastic magic marker cap, though you should be able to just cut a piece of small diameter copper plumbing pipe, put a slit in the side to get it over the line, and maybe chamfer the edge to make it go in easier, then just shove it in with the side of a pair of pliers. Then again the tool is cheap, but being able to use what you have lying around is more expedient.
