Display keeps changing to Sound Settings | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Display keeps changing to Sound Settings


January 21, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Detroit, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2014 Explorer Sport
A quirky MFT glitch has appeared with my 2014 Sport.
The display will change by itself to the Sound Settings screen.
Here’s the quirky part: this happens only when taking a right hand 90 degree turn at above 25ish mph. (doesn't happen turning left or at any other time)
I can duplicate this with a 50 percent +/- “success” rate.
A Master Reset does not remedy.
I think I smell a dealership visit here.
Anybody have any thoughts or comments?

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A quirky MFT glitch has appeared with my 2014 Sport.
The display will change by itself to the Vehicle Settings screen.
Here’s the quirky part: this happens only when taking a right hand 90 degree turn at above 25ish mph. (doesn't happen turning left or at any other time)
I can duplicate this with a 50 percent +/- “success” rate.
A Master Reset does not remedy.
I think I smell a dealership visit here.
Anybody have any thoughts or comments?

...damn thats weird :roll:

A quirky MFT glitch has appeared with my 2014 Sport.
The display will change by itself to the Vehicle Settings screen.
Here’s the quirky part: this happens only when taking a right hand 90 degree turn at above 25ish mph. (doesn't happen turning left or at any other time)
I can duplicate this with a 50 percent +/- “success” rate.
A Master Reset does not remedy.
I think I smell a dealership visit here.
Anybody have any thoughts or comments?

My 14 Sport changes DIC setting left side intermittently on ignition cycle.

The other annoying thing that happens is I will get a message that NO KEY FOB DETECTED while I'm sitting in the vehicle with key fob in hand or in pocket.

Let me know what your dealer says.

I bet the response you get is "Couldn't duplicate problem/issue"

As I can duplicate the problem, I plan on taking the Service Adviser for a demo ride.

Service appointment made for late next week. I will keep y'all posted.

actually the MFT changes to the Sound Settings menu.....not the Vehicle Settings menu as a previously posted. Needless to say, I got my bass dialed in!

Try one thing.......go to the positive terminal on battery......you will see blue connector that can easily be disconnected.

Thats the disconnect for power.

Leave it off for thirty minutes.

Advise if issue still exists.

Here is my report from my dealer Service Department visit to fix this MFT screen switching to Sound Settings.

During the 15 minute drive to the dealer, the screen switched to the Sound Settings menu (3) times. Upon arrival to the Service Department, I insisted to take a Technician for a drive to demonstrate the problem. The Technician proceeded to tell me what to do. Turn the wheel now without moving, pull into the parking space, drive around the block. All in all, about a (3) minute “test”. Of course, the problem did not occur during this “test” drive. The Technician stated he did not have time to drive around with me trying to make it happen and that they would “check everything out” and make sure “everything was o.k. and software was up to date”.

The next day the Service Adviser calls me and tells me that the Technician could not replicate the problem and no repair is done to the vehicle. When I returned to the dealer to pick up the vehicle, I questioned the Service Adviser on how best to remedy the problem. She stated to return the vehicle the next time it happens.

I also asked her if she had any explanation for why this may be happening. She said: “Do you know there are stereo controls on the steering wheel?” Ah….well, duh I thought. (I have been driving this generation of the Explorer since introduction)

I said, why do you ask?
She said: “Well you may be hitting the buttons when you turn the wheel.”
I replied: “You cannot change screens with the buttons, only control volume and change stations.” Really! Kinda insulting.

So, sure enough, on the drive home from the dealer the screen changes to the Sound Settings (2) times.

I am trying to take a video of the screen change happening, but not sure if this will do any good with the dealer. Do to travel for my work, I cannot return to the dealer for at least a week.

Any advice?

I just started having the same exact issue with the audio settings popping on screen for no reason this week. I'm not sure if it's only on right turns but has been bugging me. No time for the dealership next week, so hopefully hear of a fix on the forum.

You can try a Master Reset or try the suggestion in the thread in the sticky section, MFT Acting Up? You can also try a negative battery cable disconnect for a period of time, Be prepared to lose some presets though. The battery cable would be the last thing I would attempt since it will mean the transmission will have to relearn the shift points and the idle and fuel trim will also have to be relearned.


Thank you Peter for the suggestions and explanations. I have tried a Master Reset, but the problem immediately returned. I would much rather have my dealer document, diagnose and remedy the problem at this point to be inclusive of the vehicle warranty. Currently the display has not changed in over a week of driving. I am beginning to wonder if this may be an issue where the touch screen becomes overly sensitive on higher temperature days. (90 deg. F)
