Do I have the right cd changer magazine? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Do I have the right cd changer magazine?


November 28, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Northampton, Ma
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 xlt
When I bought my used 1997 xlt the changer did not have a magazine, the guy I bought it from got one from the dealer, part # F5TZ-18C833-A . The changer is not working, I get the error message no cd, and sometimes the message no dj. Looking in with the door open, the cds seem to be staying in the magazine, they are not getting pulled into the changer. The unit has power ( the eject works).

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Need F77F magazine

Check the Ford part number on the magazine itself. The "F57F" and "F77F" models ARE interchangeable, but the F77F is a later design with some improvements. There were some problems with the earlier version "hanging up" and not releasing discs - that will get you a "No CD" message.



The # on the cartridge is f85f. Do you have a picture of what the f77f cartridge looks like?

or maybe it was f87f, definately started with an 8, not sure about the second number.

Well, I managed to get my changer fixed, I took out the head unit and changer, and used contact cleaner on all the connections, but no go. I then took the back off the changer, and noticed the the carriage inside was slanted at an angle, that didn't look right. I pushed on the end of the carriage, and it popped back straight.
I plugged the changer in and bingo, it was working! :)
