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Do they make female connectors?


February 14, 2009
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Eddie Bauer V8 AWD
Hi. My explorer has 3 red connectors going into the back of the factory radio. One looks like

Do they make a female version of this so I can plug it into the current wiring then connect those wires to a new radio?

I am hoping not to have to splice into those wires unless I have to.

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Yes called reversse conectors


like this? this plugs into the factory radio the loose end connects to the loose end of the harness that plugs into your vehicle harness

Hi. My explorer has 3 red connectors going into the back of the factory radio. One looks like

Do they make a female version of this so I can plug it into the current wiring then connect those wires to a new radio?

I am hoping not to have to splice into those wires unless I have to.

Metra 70-5700 Auto Stereo Wire Harness
1998 - 2001 Ford Lincoln Mazda Premium Radio Adapter
Into Harness adapter set


Metra 70-5700 Auto Stereo Wire Harness
1998 - 2001 Ford Lincoln Mazda Premium Radio Adapter
Into Harness adapter set


i think hes asking for the harness that plugs into the radio not the vehicle harness. now that i READ the post. what x is the radio from if its the original that came with your truck you wouldnt need a harness but to help i would need the vehicle and year it came from to correctly match it with the harness. you have a 200 x correct. does it have the premium package???

Sorry guys. I should have provided more info. I asked in another post but did not have the radio itself until yesterday when it arrived. So I was just guessing. Now that I have it and can see what I need more I can re-ask :)
Sorry to be such a noob :)

I have a 2000 EB AWD 4 door V8 explorer with the factory premium MACH sound.

I want to install a Pioneer AVIC-F700BT radio. The factory radio has 3 of those red connectors like I pictured above. Of course they are different sizes. I assume one is for the Steering wheel/CD changer controls. One is for the power and the other for the speakers. I could be wrong of course.
EDIT: I found them I think: http://www.installer.com/item/display_item.php?it=71-5700

I would like to put this in myself. I would like to just plug into the red speaker and power adapters that are there with a female connector then into the new radio. Nice and neat.

If that Metra 70-5700 Auto Stereo Wire Harness fits into the red connectors then that should work perfect! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction Scucci!!

The new radio comes with a connector that ends with just wires. So I need to cross match the colors. I understand they do not match in any way.
I looked at a connector at Best Buy (nothing that I need) and the guy just said "yea just match the colors". Well in no way would that work!! They are totally different!

Since mine has that large red connector(s), my only other option is to splice into every wire behind those red connectors and that would be very messy.

I would like to put the factory one back in easily if I wanted to.

Also while you guys are here, how do I remove the front panel (with the radio hole, vents etc...) since the new radio won't fit into the slot. It looks like it has to go behind that plastic frame. The hole and radio's are double DIN so that is cool. The new one is JUST a bit wider frame wise than the factory one.

you need to remove two bolts once you remove them it just pops off the bolts are above the a/c controls under the radio upside down run your fingers under there and youll feel them

Oh ok, yes the harness that you buy has the standard color coded wires so you just match them up.

Take both harnesses match the colors solder the conections and shrink wrap them then you can just plug both ends and you're done, in case you want to go back to stock, you can just unplug the harness and plug your stereo back in.

To take the bezel off I think you just need to unscrew to screws above the climate controls


This is most likely the harness adapter you want. You might run into a problem with the amp turn-on/mute on the mach sub woofer. It is a 5 volt logic level signal. Most aftermarket radios are 12 volt turn on. This can be fixed with a resistor voltage divider or LM-7805 voltage regulator.

See this thread:


I was out today so picked up the 70-5700 Auto Stereo Wire Harness and a trim kit. I hope that is what I need. :)

Thanks for the advice guys.

I was out today so picked up the 70-5700 Auto Stereo Wire Harness and a trim kit. I hope that is what I need. :)

Thanks for the advice guys.

Just FYI for anyone with the 2nd gen Explorer, the 70-5700 worked perfect! I have the radio in and everything is working fine. :)

I had to cut out the bezel to get the radio to fit but it is fine now. The trim kit is a necessity so don't even think about adding a double din radio without it :)

:thumbsup: cool! now show us the pics :D

:thumbsup: cool! now show us the pics :D

I did not even think to take pics. I could take one of the finished install I guess. Man I tell you what, that was a lot of wires :)

Since I usually drive with my lights turned on I was debating if I should connect the Illumination wire or not. I want it full bright during the day but it won't be with my lights on. So I can leave it disconnected, but then at night it would be full brightness and I would want it dimmer. So I think I am going to put one of these switches in the dash to the ILL wire.


Then I can control the screen dim.

Would like to see pics as well. Interested in what you had to change/alter on the bezel.

Would like to see pics as well. Interested in what you had to change/alter on the bezel.

Well I cannot take pictures of that as the radio covers it.

If it helps I had to use a Dremmel and remove the top and bottom bezel. I had to leave enough of the sides for the trim kit's side panels to catch onto.

Damn I feel lame for not taking pictures while I had the radio out.

Yep good to know. Thanks, post a finished pic if you get time.

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