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Does anyone have a 1994 explorer that came with a manual transmission?


April 1, 2014
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1988 ranger
Hi, I was looking to get a few answers from someone who has a 1994 Explorer that came with a manual tranz.

It has to be a 1994.

If you have one of these can you confirm that they have a cam position sensor/synchronize?

If it does can you tell me the ford code off of your ECU
It should be either F47F-12A650-KA or F47F-12A650-KB
If you have a CA emission ex. it might say F47F-12A650-CTA
It is important that is says F47F and not F57F

Edit: here is that part I'm wondering about. I know the A/T explorers had them but I need to know if the M/Ts had them.

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Sorry FR-425 I guess I wasn't specific enough. I know how to replace them and where they are.

I am just looking for a conformation from an owner of a 1994 explorer with M/t. That theirs indeed has one And I have the right ecu. because I know rangers didnt have one this year. I am doing an engine conversion so I need to be positive the ECU I ordered has the correct internals to correspond with what I need. I am worried ford used a ranger ecu that doesnt have the internals.

I see your point, hard to find any info on the difference between KA and KB

I know it. I'm just worried one has it and one doesn't but only having hands on with a vehicle will tell.

I'm pretty sure the parts explorer that the neighbor has is a 1994 and it does have a manual trans..

It is a 2wd through.. Would the ECM # on that help?


Yes, Maniak that would help a ton!!

2wd shouldn't make a difference the ECU's list as rear wheel drive and 4 wheel drive so we should be good there.

If you could just take a quick peek and see if there is indeed a cam position sensor. And grab the Ford part number off of it like I listed in the first post.

Thanks a ton!

I edited your thread title to read 'manual transmission' instead of 'M/T', to make it clearer for those who just skim the thread titles. Hope you don't mind...

No problem rangerX anything that will get me the answers I seek.

I have one. I might have a chance to check tomorrow.

I am just looking for a conformation from an owner of a 1994 explorer with M/t. That theirs indeed has one And I have the right ecu. because I know rangers didnt have one this year. I am doing an engine conversion so I need to be positive the ECU I ordered has the correct internals to correspond with what I need. I am worried ford used a ranger ecu that doesnt have the internals.

My '94 Ranger 4.0 stickshift does have this sensor (it's a Cali emissions truck). Unfortunately I can't tell you what the PCM unit number is though because it's buried out of sight inside of a nook behind the driverside inner fenderwell (where Rangers have their PCMs located).

Not sure if this info changes anything or helps you out at all, but Rangers (at least some of them) do use these sensors. Sorry I couldn't help further.

My 94 ex started as an auto, I changed it to a manual.

The comp doesn't necessarily care if it's auto or manual from what I've figured out.

I had to replace that sensor. And I had to pull the lower intake manual off and use a prybar to pop it out of it's hole to change it. But as long as you follow the directions, it's not too big of an issue to replace.

4x4junkie- Sorry I guess I should have stated I was referring to federal emissions rangers. Because that's what I'm doing. But I don't need your ECU p/n because i'm using a fed emission explorer ECU.

But as I said rangers didn't get the sensor until later unless they are CA emissions. But Thanks for your help!

hondakillah- I know the ECU doesn't care if its M/t or A/t, but you are gonna have reduced performance because the ECU is for a A/t. I would suggest that you order one of the ECU's I listed in the first post, either a -KA, or -KB. I found one on Ebay for $35 and I bet you will be surprised by the increase in power.

As for replacing the sensor I understand how to change them and where they are. That was not my intent with this thread. Heck I even designed my own one for my engine swap and had it machined.

I will double check on my explorer but i couldnt seem to find the one thats in the pic mine points up towards me instead of back towards the firewall. I have a 94 sport with a standard tranny, not sure if that really matters.

dblD1968 You posted that you wanted to know if 1994 Ford Explorers with manual transmissions, have a cam position synchronizer, the simple answer is yes. I know because I have a 1994 Ford Explorer XLT 4WD 4-Door with federal emissions, and I just had mine replaced. The part # for the ECU is F47F-12A650-KB. it is located behind the passenger side kick panel of the 1994 Ex. I am in the process of replacing that as well, since it is also bad. Hope this info helps you out!!

dblD1968, it looks like FORDgeoEXPLORER got an answer for you. I didn't have time today to check mine and I won't again until Saturday now at the earliest. Let me know if you still need me to. Sorry but I or my wife have to work late every night this week (and we have a 2 year old :hammer: ).

Littlebro294- are you referring to the bigger one in my picture?

Or are you talking about one like FR-425 posted?

But either way you are on the right track to answering my question! :salute:

Is there any possible way I could get you to take the one screw holding the kick panel on and check out the code on your ECU????

If so then having two solid answers is the end of this thread!

FORDgeoEXPLORER- Thanks a ton!! That is what I was looking for. I should be good to go then! I just wanted to check does yours have the one like I posted for littlebro294?

SVO42-Sorry I missed your first post! But I just found out today both my heads are cracked today so no rush what so ever. Sounds like you have your hands full! But if you have spear time and are bored it would be sweet to have three concrete answers to my question!

haha so i was looking at it all wrong i thought that the ecu was pointing up but its really just like the one you posted, i thought it was suppose to come back to the firewall like FR-425 but mine points up and down, i might be able to im not sure i would have to check in the morning but the only way i was able to get a good look at it was to use my camera on my phone and took a bunch of pictures and looked at it

I'll have to try again this coming weekend. Weather wasn't very cooperative this time any time I had time. Sorry! :(

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Sorry for the long delay but I got it! F47F-12A650-KB

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