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Dome lights


Active Member
May 29, 2017
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City, State
North Carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Explorer Sport
My front dome light works as it should. My rear works as well except it will only come on if I manually flip the switches. They won't come on any other way. Can this be fixed or is it normal?

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It should come on along with the door courtesy lamps and front dome, and uses the same ground whether power is through that circuit or through the separate switch, so the positive power wire is likely broken and I don't know where they all split for each separate light... might be easier to cut and securely insulate the original wire and run a new one to the front dome.... failing any obvious fault found. I wonder if a wire fish or yardstick could do that without taking down the headliner.

I'd pull the rear light housing and see if the wire connection is bad there. Wiring diagram attached.


  • interior-lights-courtesy-lamps-circuit-1-of-1.pdf
    51.1 KB · Views: 59

Maybe you have a bulb burned out in the back light.

The rear light has two circuits, one is a single light that lights with the front dome light, and the switches are for two other lights I believe. I have discovered one of my switches left on a couple of times, I saw a light on in the dark when I got out.

Maybe you have a bulb burned out in the back light.

The rear light has two circuits, one is a single light that lights with the front dome light, and the switches are for two other lights I believe. I have discovered one of my switches left on a couple of times, I saw a light on in the dark when I got out.
Ok here's what happened. You're indeed correct. The middle bulb was burned out. Replaced and it worked. Went to replace the right front bulb and as soon as I twisted it in the rears front power windows and sunroof went bye bye. I checked fuses and they seem fine. My sunroof is now stuck open and I gotta get it shut ASAP PLEASE HELP

Maybe you have a bulb burned out in the back light.

The rear light has two circuits, one is a single light that lights with the front dome light, and the switches are for two other lights I believe. I have discovered one of my switches left on a couple of times, I saw a light on in the dark when I got out.
Never mind I fixed it lol. I apologize for panicking my sunroof was stuck open👍🏼

A little worry is good for you, it makes you move faster.
