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Don't be so sensitive!


New Member
July 10, 2002
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City, State
Dallas, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Sport
Anybody know how to turn down (if possible) the sensitivity of the factory alarm? I bought a used 98 Sport and the alarm goes off every time a leaf drops on the roof. The module for the alarm has "Ford Vehicle Security" on it yet the local Ford dealer tells me there is no way it could be a factory alarm. Having long ago lost faith in Ford's dealerships I'm turning to the board here for help. The module doesn't seem to offer any way to turn the sensitivity down. I've had aftermarket alarms in the past that have had a dial you can turn. Any help is greatly appreciated not only by me...but my neighbors as well. :) Thanks!

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That is something somebody has added. The factory alarms only go off if you open a door, open the hood, or break into the ingnition.

Could it be an upgrade from the Ford catalog? The alarm is wired into a module that is labeled "Ford Vehicle Security". All wires run into it. There is not another alarm "brain" on the vehicle. Any thoughts?

This probably won't help, but I've had three Explorers, all fully loaded with the factory alarm, and none of the three had what you are talking about. Additionally, I do not ever recall seeing this feature in the Ford Explorer dealer -installed accessory catalogs, but maybe I just missed it.

I haven't had much exp with the Ford factory alarm, but have with many others (back when I used to install). Often a hood sensor will shift over time and be borderline whether or not it's showing as open or closed. It may be ok for hours after arming, but with temp changes and whatnot, it can suddenly show open and trigger the alarm.
If you disconnect the sensor and arm it with no more problems, it's the easiest, most basic way of showing the problem. That is assuming you're correct in it all being stock entry sensors.

Where is this module located?

Can you see external sensors ( pin switches ) on the doors, tailgate, hood?

The module is located under the driver-side dash near the firewall. It has a large "Ford Vehicle Security" label on it. I can't locate any pins around the hood or doors. The siren is located beneath the brake fluid reservoir pointing down and attached to what looks like would be a factory bracket (it's built into the fenderwell).

The remotes are factory Ford as well.

I should note that the alarm isn't actually activating all the time but chirping. We just got back from dinner and I could hear it chirping outside the restaurant every time a truck or Harley rolled by. Thanks for the responses. I appreciate the advice. J

The factory alarm does not use a sirene, it uses the trucks horn.

When you arm the factory alarm, the horn beeps not a chirp of an aftermarlet system.

Is there a blinking red light on the dash that says Theft?

I still think you have an aftermarket system.

Good luck.....

Aldive is right, the Ford "true" factory alarm systems do not use a siren. It uses the horn. If the module says "Ford Vehicle Security" on it, it is an after market system that was made to fit a Ford vehicle by the aftermarket company. (If you had a G.M. it would probably say "G.M. Vehicle Security" on it).

There are alarm companys that make aftermarket alarm systems that you can use your factory key remote for. I suspect that is what you have.

As others have pointed out, your alarm is definately after-market. Most dealerships carry aftermarket alarms that interface with the factory equipment so that is what it sounds like you have. You really need to find the booklet for it or the place that installed. Try peeling the Ford label off and seeing if the real manufacturer label is underneith. Also look for any sequence of letter/number combinations on the box and do a search on the internet using a search engine. You might be surprised. Besides that, look on your firewall for a small black box with a hole in it with a couple of wires going ot it. Most of the places that installed my aftermarket alarms mounted the shock sensor to the firewall under the hood. They all had a red LED on it so if the sensor was set to sensative you could see the LED flicker whenever you bumped the vehicle. Look for something like that. The factory theft deterent system does not use shock protection. It only works off of the hood, doors, hatch pins and the ignition.
