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Door Ajar?


August 21, 2004
City, State
New Jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
'04 XLS
I've searched the forum and found its a problem on many explorers but didn't really get input on how to diagnose it properly without tearing all the doors apart so I figure I'd ask.

So anyway, 1999 Explorer XL, light stays on the dash even with all the doors closed. Light stays on in the cabin unless you use the switch to turn it off completely, and daytime running lights don't come on when driving.

I realize its the sensor on one of the doors, but how do you find out?


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some one suggested using the "bong" audible when a door is open.... ie. go around opening and closing doors. The door that doesn't cause the "bong" is the one with the switch problem.

My father had a similar problem on his superduty. All it was is a dirty sensor. Squirt some air into your door latches and spray some WD40 on them. It was his driver's door, as that is the one most likely to get dirty from use.

i have the same problem. do you know where is the switch or sensor. inside the panel ?

Check the rear door. Sometimes it looks that is shut, but if is too tight it might be one of the locks not entirely secured. Try to pull the door open. If it moves, then is open and Door Ajar will light. Open the door and close it harder.

mocando said:
Check the rear door. Sometimes it looks that is shut, but if is too tight it might be one of the locks not entirely secured. Try to pull the door open. If it moves, then is open and Door Ajar will light. Open the door and close it harder.

that was my first thought so I slammed each door, including the rear hatch... still on.


Using the NGS scan tool you can figure out which door is adjar


Jerseyvics... the suggestion about the door warning "bong" is a good one. It will quickly narrow your focus down to the latch / switch that needs attention.

Don't forget rear door *and* glass! Mine was the glass switch.

I have a problem with the rear door.

the key doesn't open the liftgate. I've never even opened the glass itself since I bought it.

the only way I was able to open the liftgate was when one person pulls on the little lever inside and another uses the handle outside.


no bong!

no bong from the rear door on the right side.the glass wont open on the tailgate,do you know if we use the same key as the ignition? i got only this one.

eddie bauer2000 said:
no bong from the rear door on the right side.the glass wont open on the tailgate,do you know if we use the same key as the ignition? i got only this one.

I only have one key too, and it doesn't unlock the rear glass lock. If you unlock the doors (power locks) and push the rear door key housing, it opens the glass.

should be the same key. What usually happens is that the key hole in the panel along with the tumblers get "gummed up" with dust / dirt / salt etc and as a result, the key won't work. I had this problem when I bought my used 96. A new tumbler is expensive but you can take off the old one and take it to a good lock smith, they usually can clean / rebuild the unit for $25-30.

budwich said:
should be the same key. ... you can take off the old one and take it to a good lock smith, they usually can clean / rebuild the unit for $25-30.

Thanks. I don't need to get into the rear with the key that often. I guess I can live with it the way it is.

I have the same problem on a 97 Explorer. Door Ajar light is on causing all the interior lights to stay on. I had to take out the fuse. I tried WD 40 on all the doors and slammed them all shut. My doors dont chime when I open them. Any other ideas?

Could it be that none of my doors chime when I open the door? I have a 97 Explorer. Should it have this "chime feature" when you open the door. Or is only on some models? If it should chime and none chime what could that mean? Also my interior dome light stays on even if I am driving faster than 5mph unless i take out the fuse. If i take out the fuse then the dome lights dont work and I dont see the Door Ajar on the gauge.

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Don't the doors chime only with the key in?
