DPFE on 2002 mountaineer 4.6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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DPFE on 2002 mountaineer 4.6


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June 9, 2008
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spring hill fl
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2008 mercury mountaineer
Have trouble code p1400 and want to replace dpfe senser. Cannot locate it. Thought it would be over driver side valve cover. Also cant figure out how to remove plastic cover over engine. Remove two nuts but only comes loose in front. Help would be appreciated :p:

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I just replaced the dpfe on my '02 XLT 4.6 about 2 weeks ago. It was throwing P1400 and the SES was on. The plastic engine cover pops off of two posts towards the back after the two nuts up front are removed. There was also a plastic wire keeper attached at the back that was easier to get loose after the cover was off the posts so you can tip it up and push the keeper off from the inside. You'll see what I mean. The dpfe itself is located right at the back of the engine near the top center. It's easy to spot after the cover is off. I bought my new dpfe from directfordparts.com. It was about $40 plus about $10 shipping, still way less than the local Ford dealer. I kind of like to get genuine Ford parts but don't like the prices at the dealers. Good luck.

Dpfe 2002 mountaineer

Thanks for that information . Knew something was keeping the cover on but didn't want to just yank it off. Let you know how I make out:p:

DPFE 2002 Mountaineer

Well I got the cover off . Was just as you said. The part # was 2FIE-9J460-AB. Did you replace with # 4U7E-9J460-AA since original not available. thanks:p:

Yeah, except it's 4U7Z9J460AA. I noticed that the new sensor is also about 50% larger than the old one.

The SES didn't immediatly go off after I changed it. I disconnected the battery ground for about 10 minutes to clear the code and it stayed off. Good luck.

2002 Mountaineer

Yep Z not E ordered one. hope to have it at end the of week Thanks again:p:
