Drawer System for Free... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Drawer System for Free...


Active Member
November 3, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Ames, IA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 XLT
I wrecked my Explorer and got a Land Cruiser to replace it. My drawer system doesn't fit in the LC and I am not getting another Explorer (not that I don't want another I have never missed a vehicle as much as I miss my Explorer). Anyway if you would like to have a complete 4 door drawer system and you live someplace between Iowa and PA then it is yours. I am going to my in-laws in PA near Hershey on the 3rd of July so if you are along the route and can meet me someplace you can have it...


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You ever get out closer to the Sioux City side? I know a couple of people who would love something like this.

I really don't want to deliver this thing as I am giving it away and it cost me over $500 to build. If they want to pay for my gas I will take it any where really.




Man I would take it but I'm in kansas.

Maybe this isn't the right forum cuz no one wants this???

I'll take it when you get close to Chambersburg PA. Its about an hour south of Hershey. Let me know when and where. I have to work the 3rd and the 4th from 5pm to 5am. So that's the only thing to work around. You sure you don't want anything for it?
