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Driver side door lock switch


May 17, 2008
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Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT 5.0L
it locks all the doors,but won't unlock them. passenger side does,and all the other doors work individually. i seem to have power to and from the switch. any suggestions? thanks

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That's a new one on me. I'd see how much a switch cost at the junk yard and try it and see what happens.

That's a new one on me. I'd see how much a switch cost at the junk yard and try it and see what happens.

already did,its not the switch,but thanks

Not a switch, its a wire in the black barrel in between the door and frame.

Look for a broken wire, if its to unlock, it'll be the green/pink if I remember right.

Solder it back together or it'll break again.

Not a switch, its a wire in the black barrel in between the door and frame.

Look for a broken wire, if its to unlock, it'll be the green/pink if I remember right.

Solder it back together or it'll break again.

excellent! thanks

Had the same exact problem, took me forever to find it.

Do I get to this "black barrel" through the door handle where the switch is or do I have to remove the whole door interior?

Thanks - Kevin

Do I get to this "black barrel" through the door handle where the switch is or do I have to remove the whole door interior?

Thanks - Kevin

i'm pretty sure what he is talking about is in the door jamb between the truck and the door where the hinge is

I believe he is referring to the rubber boot that covers the wires. You can see it when you open your door and look between the door and the door jam. I have seen this problem before.

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