Driver's Side Power Window Switch | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Driver's Side Power Window Switch


Well-Known Member
February 10, 2007
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Hey, maybe someone on here can answer my question. The Switch for the drivers side window broke. The switch doesnt click when I push for the window to go up. Does anyone know how to take the window switches off the switch board???

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You have to pull the door panel off and go from there.


No, door panel doesnt have to come off to get the switches out. Just don't want to shell out $120 at my friendly local ford dealership for a new switchboard. Who or what is pedstang? Couldn't find a memeber here with that name. Checked ebay, nothing.

I fixed mine. It was the switch which auto powers down, Driver side front. I took the switch apart and found a broken piece inside. It was a bit of a pain in the a** but I replaced that piece from one in the rear door switch....problem solved. Takes some time but works.

visit your local friendly junkyard that has old explorers and pull the entire master switch off one of those. You will save some money and its not hard to replace. Plus you will get to see how to open the panel (you dont have to be so careful and worry about breaking anything) to get to it so when you do yours, you will not screw anything up and break stuff...
i chose to replace mine at the dealership so i knew i had a new part and didnt want to mess with it. You could always find a shop that does that kind of work (I did with the motor assembly and saved a $100 over the ford).
