easy mod to fill rear differential | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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easy mod to fill rear differential


October 24, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 XLT 4.0 4X4
I drained the fluid from the rear diff on my 99 Explorer (4.0 SOHC).

On doing this I made a mistake I haven't repeated since...well about 1975...that is to make sure I could fill it before draining it...I never even looked for the fill hole!!

I removed the diff cover and drained and suctioned the 16 year old fluid out (yup...it was original) at 300000 km I thought it was time to change it :)

When I was done I looked all over for the fill hole and couldn't find one...I was....miffed....

So..... I drilled a 13/16 inch hole in the diff cover at the one o'clock position as viewed from behind (I made sure there would be no interference) and welded a 3/4 inch nut to the inside and then used a 3/4 bolt and copper washer to seal the hole...tada...

That is what Ford should have done.

ps; my welding aint pretty but it works..

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I'll try a picture or two...


  • 1.jpg
    42.2 KB · Views: 285


I tried but I can't made the images smaller....apparently I exceeded the total by 12kb :(

Gotta admit, I just pop out the diff ABS sensor and squirt the gear oil down the hole.

Still, I've done exactly the same thing to a number of transmission pans over the years to make draining those easier and neater.

Oh, but I use brass or silver solder, my welding is really, really bad!

i have a diff cover that has both drain and fill plugs :D

nice to see a fellow manitoban on here!

I just went old school... Pulled off the cover starting at the bottom, let the stinky original (190k miles) oil drain out, put a shiny new cover on (even clear coated it!) and gasket, then refilled via the hole on the backside (the hole facing the front of the vehicle) using full syn 75w-140 and the Sta-Lube Equi-Torque Ford spec friction modifier. I then drank the old fluid.

I use the Exploder exclusively as a plow truck now (in Kenora)...I run 0W20 full synth in the engine and 80W90 in the diffs (its thinner)...It NEVER goes on the road or gets past 50 kmph or goes more than 10 km so its set up for winter running...

I KNOW the transmission will blow up one day but till then its LOW range 100% of the time when pushing snow and no problems so far
