EE rear wing? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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EE rear wing?

The new word is the same as the old word, What's the old word you ask.?.? TEASE!!!

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ok guys arnt going to dissapoint us 91-97 owners with the original tailgate are ya...cause those pics are 98+ :(


Originally posted by fordkrazy
ok guys arnt going to dissapoint us 91-97 owners with the original tailgate are ya...cause those pics are 98+

Isn't the top portion of 95-97 rear hatch the same as the 98+? If different, it can't be THAT much different that we can't modify it a little bit. 91-94 on the other hand... :rolleyes:

I really dont think its that much different. 91-97 hatches are the same and I've seen a saleen wing on a 95-97. The lund wind jammer is also the same for both.

yea... i dont think its too different but the 98+ is a tad more rounded....from the looks of how it mounts it might make it a pain to fit on the earlier gates....maybe we could get a comment from JohnV on this one

Hey John any news on that wing yet? My birthday is comming up.:thumbsup:

good question:D

my birthday is comin up too.. can i get the wing as a bday present john?

I heard from John V. that the target date is November 5th which happens to be MY birthday. :D

Well I'll make sure to wish you a happy birthday!!:p

That's close to my wife's b-day. Hmm, think I'd get in trouble if she got a new wing for MY truck on her day? date Nov. we should see them around the end of january.....haha....i love when companies give "target dates"

Well whatever date the wing comes out is a good date!!
And I'm gonna buy one as a gift to myself...:D :D

Originally posted by fordkrazy date Nov. we should see them around the end of january.....haha....i love when companies give "target dates"

Just so you know, I just made that up. That isn't the real target date. It is my real birthday though. :D

Now I'm not gonna get you one for your birthday:p :p

I'm gonna hold you to that... you know, you are only less than an hour away. :D

S&%$ I forgot...:eek: :eek: :eek: me on that one...i thought you were seriously talking with JohnV.....thats a late date considering the state of the "prototype" :eek:

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Hmmm, maybe I'll have to buy me one for MY birthday. Come on John, you got a month and a half!:D
