EGR Insufficient Flow Check Engine Light | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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EGR Insufficient Flow Check Engine Light


Active Member
December 6, 2005
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City, State
Nashville, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 Sport Trac
So I got this truck cheap so I know i'm going to have to put some money into. My running total right now is right at $875.

The last thing on my list is this stupid Check Engine light. I have had it read and it says EGR Insufficient Flow etc. So I get it cleared go clean the egr valve and all the to and from then got it recleared and it came back again.

Any ideas? It seems pretty rare to see these things go bad I mean all it is is a suction thing. I spray cleaner in one side put suction on the inlet and the liquid poors through.

Any ideas before I go buy an $80 part?!

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So I just went out there to see if I could trouble shoot it and this is what I came up with.

The hose running from the top of the EGR valve to a "black box" is not clogged I put my mouth on one end and blew and it went through. So I started the truck and that same wire wasn't getting suction.

So I took off the "coupled" hose thats connected to the bottom of the "black box" and the bottom hose is getting a ton of suction with the car on. So I put the hose on sideways so that only the sucking hose was on and the top hole never gets suction.

So it seems as if the suction is going to that "black box" and never getting replicated to the top hose.

Is this common do I need to change the "black box" also could someone give me the proper name for this item?

Is it # 3 you are asking about?

If so

The EGR vacuum regulator solenoid is an electromagnetic device which is used to regulate the vacuum supply to the EGR valve. The solenoid contains a coil which magnetically controls the position of a disc to regulate the vacuum. As the duty cycle to the coil increases, the vacuum signal passed through the solenoid to the EGR valve also increases. Vacuum not directed to the EGR valve is vented through the solenoid vent to atmosphere. Note that at 0% duty cycle (no electrical signal applied), the EGR vacuum regulator solenoid allows some vacuum to pass, but not enough to open the EGR valve.


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tower with that being said, yes it is #3 that i'm looking at and how can I test to make sure thats the part I need?

What code did you pull?

Here is the chart for the Vacuum Regulator Solenoid


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they didn't give me the code number just said EGR insufficient flow error to clean my egr valve and pipes to and from and I did that and still have the code.

How can I set to make sure the vacuum regulator is working? For instance if i start my truck what do I do to the hoses after that?


I started the truck and put a tube on the end of the EGR valve t give it suction to open the valve and when I did this it almost choked out the engine.

The tube from the Vacuum Regulator has a little suction but I never felt it get enough to suck the tube to my finger. So I think its down between the Vacuum Regulator or the EGR Sensor.

How can I figure it out?

insufficient flow, your EGR valve is likely bad, the diaphram gets ripped.
Its likely you need a new EGR valve, not the flow sensor. Everything you described appears normal...

I just tested the valve and it seems to be working just fine. It seems like it is not getting opened or closed correctly. I would like to know how to verify that its not the EVR or the EGR Sensor before I lay money into it.

Got the code from AutoZone

The ECM has detected too little flow on the EGR system
Probably Causes:
1. Blocked passage on EGR system
2. Failed EGR Valve
3. EGR Solenoid Faulty
4. Failed EGR pressure pensor where applicable
5. Failed EGR position sensor where applicable

1. I know its not blocked I cleaned it
2. When I applied suction to it, it about killed the engine
3. Has 33 ohms of resistance across connectors, but dont know what else to do
4. 5. don't know what these are or how to test them.

I would love to help but its a 120 step check list (about 20 images)

You should get an account with alldata $20 well spent.

I think its the DFPE sensor if not the next thing would be the Vacuum regulator because i have a good feeling about the EGR valve.

Other than those two things what else could it be?

So I took off the DFPE sensor to find one on ebay that matched and took off the negative power too and now my truck wont start with the DFPE plugged in but if I unplug it then it runs fine.

Is it ok to keep it unplugged until I get a new one?

It ended up being the DFPE sensor. Good thing I researched and saved me $75

Possible alternative?!?!

I was having the same code on my 96 Ex P0401, and it has be driving me nuts for over a year now. I just simply ignored it. So, I've replaced the DPFE about 6 months ago, still pulled the code, I bought an egr valve about 2 months ago, but it was way too cold it install it. So yesterday, I replaced the EGR valve, and during my installation I inspected the pipe that connects the EGR valve to the exhaust manifold, IT WAS CRACKED!!
I replaced the pipe and low and behold...the code is gone!

I'm no expert, but I was deducing that the insufficient flow code was a result of the exhaust gas escaping under from the cracked pipe and not staying in the EGR systems as expected.

So far so good,

Hey everyone, who knows how reliable the codes are at auto zone or advanced auto. I had a service engine soon come on, and the local auto store scanner said egr insufficient flow. Ford said this is not coming. but I am finding that allot of others are having the same issue on this website. also the guys at the local jiffy lube, as if they are a reliable source, said that that is a common problem with fords and they see it all the time. ok one, how do i even find the stupid egr thing and two, does anyone think it could be an inaccurate code. could all these people that go to the same place to have the code read really have the same problem? or is it a case where the scanner defaults to a code because it has no idea what ford codes are? if the code says egr can i bank on that?

Hey everyone, who knows how reliable the codes are at auto zone or advanced auto. I had a service engine soon come on, and the local auto store scanner said egr insufficient flow. Ford said this is not coming. but I am finding that allot of others are having the same issue on this website. also the guys at the local jiffy lube, as if they are a reliable source, said that that is a common problem with fords and they see it all the time. ok one, how do i even find the stupid egr thing and two, does anyone think it could be an inaccurate code. could all these people that go to the same place to have the code read really have the same problem? or is it a case where the scanner defaults to a code because it has no idea what ford codes are? if the code says egr can i bank on that?

A lot of times, the same model of vehicle will have common problems. This is apparently a common problem. Check the hoses, then clean the EGR valve, then replace the sensor. Obviously you don't need to do all of them if one fixes the issue. I have the same problem with mine, but I spent $45 on the new valve and didn't fix the issue, so now I know it's the DPFE sensor and whenever I get around to it I'll fix that.

My 02 XLT service engine light came up a few weeks ago. Went to autozone and got code p0402. Did some study here and learned it was most likely to be the DFPE sensor. Replaced with new one from autozone ($26.xx). Took about 15 seconds to do it. Disconnect the battery for 10 minutes to reset everything. Light never came back again.

ok sounds like a plan but for the life of me I still can not find the egr. HELP!:eek:

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