electric cooling fan | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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electric cooling fan


July 2, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Baltimore, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
2018 Explorer Sport
Have a question about aftermarket electric cooling fans. My 02 has a bad clutch fan that is making a lot of noise, mostly in the morning when temp is around 35deg. or so.

Thinking about trying an electric cooling fan kit. Where should i look to by a good one? Also looking to by one that comes with a shroud and temp switch, you know all the good hardware.

Thank's Mike

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This is covered on this forum ALOT

What engine is in your 02? 4.6L or SOHC 4.0L?

My 02 has the SOHC v-6.

Looked around the forum and did not see much info. on upgrading to electric cooling fan. Maybe you could point me in the right direction.


Look on the Modified Explorations forums.
They don't seem to well work for offroad vehicles, but I think there are a few people who have them that don't offroad.

I have this one purchased from jegs.com :


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Thank's for all the info. How do they control fan on/off. How about when running the AC in traffic in the summer time?

Mike02 said:
Thank's for all the info. How do they control fan on/off. How about when running the AC in traffic in the summer time?

The fan is automatically controlled via a thermostat ( user adjustable ). Further, there is a full manual control switch. It can be hooked into the AC where the fan is always on when the AC is running.

Mike02 said:
Thank's for all the info. How do they control fan on/off. How about when running the AC in traffic in the summer time?
Look at a flexalite 180, is all tied into the AC system, comes on when the AC is on.
